I have had some emails in my usual email at Yahoo, including messages from Ipernity but none have arrived in my Ipernity messages. Are we all having problems with the Ipernity mail ?
4 years ago / 275 visits / 4 comments
Today I managed to get two robins to feed from my hand. I have been wanting to try this for some time and I was over the moon when they came to me and allowed me to feed them. Such trust in a wild bird is amazing.
5 years ago / 366 visits / 8 comments
I downloaded a lot of full size photos from Ipernity when the 100 gig cap was introduced. I did miss having them on Ipernity so this week i have been reducing the size of the photos and posting them back into Ipernity. The process is now complete and I have the photos back on Ipernity. They are all…
5 years ago / 349 visits / 2 comments / 2 people like
I have just downloaded a lot of full size photographs from Ipernity due to the cap on storage here. On the 5th of January I got an email from Smugmug who have taken over Flickr. On the bottom of the email were these terms :_ In the “User Content” section, the following has been added: “From time to…
6 years ago / 310 visits / 5 comments
I have now removed all of my full size images from Ipernity. It was a long job but its now done. Only thumbnail images will be on my photostream now. I hope I can manage to keep within tbe 100 gb limit in future.
6 years ago / 194 visits / 3 comments
I have now removed 11,000 full size photographs from Ipernity and I have 1,600 to download. It has taken some time but the end is in sight. I hope I can upload in reduced size from now on. I have some photos of magpies to edit and I will upload them later today.
6 years ago / 222 visits / 3 comments
I have removed 8000 photos from Ipernity and I have 4,700 full size photographs still to remove. I have found a way to save photos in Photoshop at 25% of the normal size so that is going to be my normal post size once I have my full size photographs saved to my external hard drives. I hope the downl…
6 years ago / 169 visits / 2 comments / 1 person likes
When I joined Ipernity and the club there was a message, your in the club, upload as much as you like. I decided to use Ipernity to put my photos in folders and I took Ipernity at its word. Over the years I uploaded 150 folders and 12,700 photographs. At home I have a computer with 3tb of hd storage…
6 years ago / 241 visits / 14 comments
Unfortunately, my laptop has used up all its spare capacity in its c drive and is now giving me a lot of trouble, I cannot convert raw files to go into Photoshop. I have ordered a new laptop which will be here before the 2nd of August but till then I shall be having trouble getting photos up into Ip…
7 years ago / 306 visits / 4 comments / 1 person likes
I am a week away from my club membership finishing and its time to renew but I don't know if it is wise to renew with the current situation, I would if there were a three month subscription. I think its the wisest to wait and renew when we are all in control. I wonder what happens if I keep posting…
7 years ago / 521 visits / 10 comments / 1 person likes
I have tried to download a metafile for a single album but when I try to run it in a download manager all I get is it opening in the Chrome browser and nothing downloads. Is there anything I am missing to get the metafile to run please ?
8 years ago / 226 visits
My dear wife Linda discovered 2.5 months ago she had cancer. Today, the doctors say she will pass away either tonight or in the morning. We shared 14 wonderful years together. Her sisters are flying in to Manchester Airport tomorrow morning and I am praying that Linda hangs on till they can see her…
8 years ago / 533 visits / 9 comments
I have just bought a new Acer laptop. I have upgraded it to Windows 10 but It is giving me a lot of problems from the start. I cannot run my apps from the store, it won't allow me to use Ipernity mail. It has two hard drives, drive c is 60 gig and everything seems to want to download onto the c driv…
9 years ago / 352 visits / 2 comments