No photographs for a while.
When I joined Ipernity and the club there was a message, your in the club, upload as much as you like. I decided to use Ipernity to put my photos in folders and I took Ipernity at its word. Over the years I uploaded 150 folders and 12,700 photographs.

At home I have a computer with 3tb of hd storage and 3 external hds..which in total gives me 12 tb of storage, I have a spare computer in the living room with 2tb of storage too. I regard storage at home as pretty cheap.

I was surprised when I saw that the storage on Ipernity was being reduced to 100 gb maximum and this means I have to take my photographs and folders off Ipernity. I already have the raw files but I intend to copy the jpeg files into folders on my external drives. I haven't found a way to do this by copying an album so I am doing this one file at a time. It might be my age but I couldn't understand how to download folders. It will take months. I have already removed 4,500 photographs and I have some way to go.

During this time I will not be posting new photographs here but I will be posting to Flickr. If anyone wants to look, this is the address www.flickr.com/photos/maeluk


Stormlizard said:

Ouch, thatis a lot of work ahead for you Steve. I too have many HD's on three computers plus an external HD for backup. I also have many folders on Ipernity but have no idea how much space they use, most of my uploaded photos as JPG are about 1.5 MB . I have about 26 thousand photos on Ipernity and 40 thousand yet to be uploaded. after sorting. I was delayeda whilewhen I had to download and save everything from Multiply when I moved to This site.

All the best, have a nice tomorrow.
6 years ago

Maeluk said:

John, I have a camera with a big sensor, some of my photos are 60 mb for a single image.. I take photos most days and upload a number so I don't see how Ipernity in its new form is going to be suitable for me. I don't feel any impulse to upload any more now.
6 years ago

Stormlizard replied to Maeluk:

Same here Steve, my Canon EOS 750 D, but even my older EOS 400 D makes 45 MB originals, however I never upload originals, I always resize using a new name so the original ex camera files are retained here plus backed up for the sake of safety.

I counted my albums yesterday, 741, many are in 148 folders.
6 years ago

Maeluk replied to :

I lost some photos once so I now use flickr and Ipernity for backing up as well as my external drives. I thought I could not lose a photo again. Sadly, Ipernity is no longer a suitable platform for backing up and I will have to look into another storage medium, maybe paying Amazon prime so I can get cloud storage though them. I am not looking forward to all the work involved with taking my photos from Ipernity as there doesn't seem a simple way of doing it. I have downloaded 5,200 images now and I have 7,500 to go. If I don't manage to get them all the ones I don't get will just have to be deleted. I am copying the most important folders first and I will have to see from there..
6 years ago

HappySnapper said:

Thankfully I am a bit technology blind and do not fully understand how I could use a media site for my photo storage, I have a external hard drive plus the C: drive on my pc, both of which carry my photo collection. All I upload to ipernity is the photo I want displayed, this way I am in control of my collection and not reliant on a third party to look after it.
6 years ago

Maeluk said:

HI Maurice, I have three external hard drives as well as 8 computers in the house. In my living room I have two computers and plenty of storage space for my photos. I just wanted to put photos onto the web in a form where I can download them again. I have had a computer fail and lost photos in the past. I also know if there is a theft or fire the hds I have in the house may be lost. I was hoping to use the web as a backup so I wont lose any photos.
6 years ago

Jenny McIntyre said:

Steve I use Fujifilm app which reduces the sixe of my photos. So a picture of say 5MB is reduced to 800kb. That way I can put more pictures up. You save the new sized pictures in another album, so you don't lose the original photos. You can resize a whole album at the same time!

I never throw away my cards neither and keep them in a bowl, each in individual plastic cases. If ever there was a fire, all I'd have,to collect would be my bowl!
6 years ago

Maeluk said:

Hi Jenny, I will have to look at a program that will reduce my files automatically.. at the moment I am taking my photos off Ipernity but I will look into it for the future.
6 years ago

Jenny McIntyre replied to Maeluk:

I made a mistake with the name Steve - it's FINEPIX that reduces the pictures and I also sometimes use IRFAN to do the same. I do hope you don't leave Ipernity as I love your pictures very much.
6 years ago

Maeluk said:

Hi Jenny, I have got Irfan view and I have been looking in my Photoshop. If I can find a way to reduce the size of images I will post more. My old photos are all full size and I am guessing they will fill the space here many times over so I am taking all of my old images off Ipernity. With luck I will find a way to reduce my photos..
6 years ago

Maeluk said:

I had 12,700 photos and I have taken off 5,800. I have another 6,900 to go to move all my full size photos. It will take a while to get them downloaded so it will be a while till I am back to normal.
6 years ago

Frank J Casella said:

I too until recently used Flickr as independent back up from my HD's. But knowing the owners of Flickr now and how they do things at SmugMug, saw the writing on the wall. In other words, the unlimited storage on Flcikr is just a fish bait for the moment. That once they get the site with all the eye candy and glitches removed, the unlimited storage will be reduced - just like ipernity now. (its rally about both using AWS I think) If you're looking for an independent back up, this might be an affordable alternative for you at the link www.ionos.com/office-solutions/hidrive-cloud-storage
6 years ago

Maeluk replied to Frank J Casella:

Thank you. I will take a look at that site..
6 years ago

Frank J Casella replied to :

My pleasure. You also might want to check the comments in the latest news flash, as they are talking about the topic of your blog here ... extending your Club as present, if I am reading it correctly.
6 years ago