This afternoon I invent good deeds while the light is degraded in shades. There lies my liquid memory fossil oil spot on the land where burn lichens trees and birds fly emergency of life. Ce soir je m'invente de bonnes actions tandis que la lumière se dégrade dans l'ombre. . Ci-gît ma mémoire li…
3 days ago / 312 visits / 5 comments / 4 people like
HOME In the afternoon I worry about the nightfall and ask to myself What have I done? Invisible dust moves around and covers furniture and other beds ground carpet mosaic thought somewhere strained by a beam of light dust becomes a whirl of visible particles flying again without de…
10 days ago / 964 visits / 12 comments / 10 people like
I give shelter to my insomnia in the wing of my dream and I dream I am a passing cloud that protects me from the hot and unlikely sun that will be rising and certainly flooding me of light. Abrigo a minha insónia na asa do meu sonho e sonho que sou uma nuvem passageira que me protege do sol que…
2 weeks ago / 567 visits / 6 comments / 6 people like
For Lionel Deyna Cartesian birds plane fat ideas from highs which control tiny dreams fears and utopias as soul's projects. Mammal birds attack in circle at twilight afterwards they dream night hanging in caves where sunlight doesn't come in. Unforeseen and poetic low-flying voices…
3 weeks ago / 1 354 visits / 10 comments / 5 people like
The nontransferable essential of me is too much. So many things hidden in the memory. So much mystery My God! So much sea of dolphins emerging at the port of the ship where is the rail of my living taste in doubt and uncertainty and gratuitous generosity because I die under the sun with this…
4 weeks ago / 719 visits / 8 comments / 4 people like
Seated on my spaceship of surrounding and concise sand I watch seagulls blind of light in a difficult flight over the sea. The sail-black-flock of seagulls flaps rumour of salt on the beach my eyes blind of light without route over the sea. Sentado em minha nave de areia circundante e co…
6 weeks ago / 696 visits / 5 comments / 3 people like
The day runs away from me as if it was the night that invades me I don't demand anything from it not even the last light rays kissing my cold face of December in farewell my hands touch the buch of keys while my feet corsetted by shoes leave me at the house door for my escape of the night that invad…
7 weeks ago / 248 visits / 4 comments / 4 people like
This is my city necessity of a stand an open window for the night the sea' smell turns back by the river among the sewer's nausea. (to read the Portuguese version please click on the picture) by Armando TABORDA, in "SINFONIA EM DOR MENOR" (illustrated by Carlos ALEXANDRE), Edição Escol…
8 weeks ago / 1 459 visits / 10 comments / 7 people like
Wait we are always waiting for the right time the wrong person the surprising event the unexpected love the sudden death why not? right now in the car parking waiting for. Espera estamos sempre à espera do momento certo da pessoa errada do facto surpreendente do amor imprevisto da morte súbita por…
2 months ago / 384 visits / 10 comments / 4 people like
Your moonlight's face keeps silent loving love cause trifle brief ecstasy instant like it were the only reason for living. /// Teu rosto de luar que silencia amor amando móbil tudo-nada instante breve que extasia como se fosse a única razão da vida. by Armando TABORDA, in "PALAVRAS, MÚSI…
2 months ago / 1 377 visits / 9 comments / 7 people like
2 months ago / 271 visits / 4 comments / 3 people like
MENU OF THE DAY The news in the morning paper are the whole day repeated on TV. War famine genocide and pollution economical crimes drugs pedophilia and prostitution disasters accidents and namely corruption are eaten at lunch during the afternoon news on TV. After di…
2 months ago / 926 visits / 5 comments / 4 people like
This nightfall seems mine and to be the only one of my life now that I'm 71 years old it's difficult to imagine I was touched by it as it was the first or the last light of my days /// Este anoitecer parece meu e ser o único de minha vida agora com 71 anos de idade é difícil imaginar que fui por el…
3 months ago / 597 visits / 10 comments / 7 people like
He came at last from insomnia and stomach heartburn wasn't foreseen he was a dream to dream forget and fall asleep. Por último veio era de insónia e azia no estômago nada faria prever que fosse um sonho para sonhar esquecer e adormecer. by Armando TABORDA, in "PALAVRAS, MÚSICAS E BLASFÉMIAS Q…
3 months ago / 677 visits / 3 comments / 5 people like
Now I look at you I hear your smile desire coming with your breath and the gesture of tense fingers painted nails as spears very well treated ready to finger my chest' s guitar this mild nightfall while I want you excited playing me at the Carlos Paredes' style. (to read the original…
3 months ago / 1 058 visits / 7 comments / 7 people like