Sand - Areia

Seated on my spaceship of surrounding and concise


I watch seagulls blind of light

in a difficult flight over the sea.

The sail-black-flock of seagulls

flaps rumour of salt

on the beach my eyes blind of light

without route over the sea.

Sentado em minha nave de areia circundante

e concisa

avisto gaivotas cegas de luz

em difícil voo sobre o mar.

A vela-negro-bando de gaivotas

drapeja rumores de sal

sobre a praia meus olhos cegos de luz

sem rumo no mar.

by Armando TABORDA, in "POETÂNEA 5", 2006

(post 1st edition, 2010; 2nd edition, 2025)


Anna Mélia said:

happy 100th !!! :-)))
15 years ago ( translate )

Armando Taborda replied to Anna Mélia:

...a 1000's thanks to you...Anna...
15 years ago

guenievre said:

Très beau poème, Armando, bravo!
15 years ago ( translate )

Armando Taborda replied to guenievre:

Merci infiniment, Geneviève!
15 years ago ( translate )

Armando Taborda replied to :

..."le sel des mots"...savoureux...merci à toi, Agatha...
15 years ago ( translate )