I find myself jaded somewhat by the digital world, and at the same time caught up in the bustle that can make an analogue heart dance in the simplicity of digital light. I don't have the latest and greatest digital cam, but I do have some clean and some fungus filled old lenses from analogue times,…
4 years ago / 313 visits / 5 comments
I have begun an adventure in publishing some of the images I have collected and amassed over the last few years of this analogue ride. I was looking at some images tonight and remember that first thrill of developing paper negatives and film. The business of life and left field balls have jaded that…
5 years ago / 1 297 visits / 4 comments / 3 people like
I have long held to the belief that there are seasons to my inner life just as there is a force that changes the physical seasons of my outer life that are way outside of my ability to control. Winter 2016 has been quite analogue. (the 2019 update is below :-) I have not sat long hours at the comput…
5 years ago / 535 visits / 2 comments
There are times in the ether of cyberspace I have posted images and comments on those postings told me people had not really seen or understood what the image was, how it was made, and what it was made with. The digital life pervades earth to the extent that people believe a myth thinking you can't…
9 years ago / 2 367 visits / 4 comments / 6 people like
As we all know, light that is not man made originates from the sun. (I cannot help acknowledge the people here that think the sun shines from their nether rear regions...you know them too I know) The sun is, I am told the source of life for our galaxy.I totally get why cultures worship the sun. The…
9 years ago / 594 visits / 1 person likes
This page will contain thoughts surrounding an article I have written for The Looking Glass Magazine about my journey with using an 1898 Ross Protar. Part of, and outside the scope of that article is the discussion about why using old lenses and cameras is so cool. I would love to have a discussion…
9 years ago / 701 visits / 4 comments / 4 people like
Box Brownies to me are treats. The non fattening, easy on the body and sugar to your photographic soul kind. This is an update of some of my fav Box Brownie images. The images below are taken by this Brownie, He's older than I thought, from 1929-31.That makes this camera 83-86. He is as old as my d…
10 years ago / 577 visits / 2 comments
The world is huge......... as is history, and then within that history, the history of photography. Recently, through a set of circumstances, several names were used in conversations and the inevitable Google search ensued. Then followed the inevitable time travel, the personal encounter with charac…
10 years ago / 876 visits / 4 comments / 1 person likes
Unknown expired film. Whakatane Rivermouth, New Zealand I have been meaning to write for months. I love to write. I thought today i would just post links to some of my blogs. kiwivagabond.com/ Silver gelatin paper negative.
10 years ago / 773 visits / 3 comments / 2 people like
I have many Box Brownies, I was going to say I have them coming out my ears, but writing to visuals, this could create the wrong picture. In exploring Ipernity I came across this gallery www.ipernity.com/doc/313099/album/401713 .............and being impressed with the images, and them totally bein…
10 years ago / 655 visits
Lens are very expensive sometimes. My photography habit seems to find immense pleasure in using what is not expensive, or what is usually overlooked by others as they march towards the latest and the greatest, or the most sought after and desireable from the past. Some of my fav images are from very…
10 years ago / 886 visits / 1 person likes