Gallery259 Analogue Resistance Mag.
I have begun an adventure in publishing some of the images I have collected and amassed over the last few years of this analogue ride. I was looking at some images tonight and remember that first thrill of developing paper negatives and film. The business of life and left field balls have jaded that somewhat....though I am still reasonably prolific and passionate. It will be nice to clear the decks somehow........to get that fresh feeling back.

This is where I will post links to Gallery259 Analogue Resistance . It is an online mag made with JooMag publishing software. I hope to produce several per month in 2015 from backlogs and from present work. I dont want it to be word heavy....and for myself, while I enjoy my work on walls ....especially real walls @ Gallery259, I enjoy publishing them in this way. Digital wizardry works beautifully with analogue.

I will post each volume as a link for you to do as you please.
I would love to have other peoples images in the mag..........make contact. Fire the resistance.

Unfortunately in an effort to save money, I have had to go to the free account. I apologise for the adds.
Gallery259 Anologue Resistance Vol 1. Jan 2015

Gallery259 Anologue Resistance Vol 2. Feb 2015

Gallery259 Analogue Resistance Vol 3. April 2015

It took a year but Vol 4 is here.

Gallery259 Analogue Resistance Vol. 4 March 2016

Gallery259 Analogue Resistance Mag Vol. 5 Nov 2018

Gallery259 Analogue Resistance Mag Vol. 6 March 2019


Ned said:

I think they both look fantastic, and the second volume especially... it had a more ephemeral feel to it overall that I really like. Also, I just found gallery 259, didn't know about it before today. The brownie cowboys at the bottom of your page about Le Gray is one of my all time favorite photographs. Looking forward to exploring more!
10 years ago

Graham Hughes replied to Ned:

Many thanks Ned. I really appreciate this. Not that I seek feedback, it's like a radar ping, it helps locate myself within a space and a world full of images. Thats one of my fav images too. Was talking to an old guy at the gallery yesterday as he was looking at a framed print. I appreciate that you see what I do....thanks friend.
10 years ago

Graham Hughes replied to Ned:

Thanks for this Ned, sorry I hadn't replied........life.......I am rather chaotic. Love Le Gray hugely. Just published Vol. 4 on 35mm paper negs. Took a year........of which most of it was it being forgotten. Link below if you want to look. I will swing by your wall and see what you have been up too.
8 years ago

Graham Hughes said:

Thankyou for your kind words. Publishing is easy, it really is, its just the time and I take so long to do things. I am a born communicator but not a fast processor or doer of things. It was nice to have forgotten about this last Vol. 4 for nearly a year.......and then been able to finish it in a few hours of labour and sweat and not get bogged down like I had been. I think I am starting to see my own style myself........and in thinking about the why of it, I have decided that comes from a combination of the cameras, paper, my ignorance and the processes. I admit to that I am hopelessly aware I have a romantic / pictorialist kind of world view.........and when I look at the world I see it like processed images.......I am a hope intuit and very aware I have a deepening love of the land and the things that inhabit it...trees, rivers.....If I can help people to see it in my own humble way........maybe they will look after it. Would love you to swing this way one day...........you would be welcome to stay at our place and explore this neck of the woods. :-)
8 years ago