Hello friends, It has been a long time since I last participated in any activity on ipernity. I guess the move I made to Florida was more tiring than I thought it would be. We are for the most part settled in our new home, but my routine has been so disrupted that I don't even take photos like I use…
2 years ago / 218 visits / 8 comments / 3 people like
Hi all! Just a short message to wish you season's greetings and to let you know that I'm still alive, lol! My new home will be ready to move into by the end of the week and it will feel so good to get back to normal again! I hope all of you enjoyed your Christmas holiday, and wish you health and ble…
3 years ago / 165 visits / 6 comments / 1 person likes
Spring is in full swing in my part of the world, and I couldn't be happier! I must say that if we had to endure lockdown during a pandemic, it happened at the best time. Can you imagine how much worse it would be if we had to go through this Covid pandemic during the winter months?? One of the acti…
4 years ago / 239 visits / 3 comments / 1 person likes
After the announcement yesterday that one person in the next town over from me has been diagnosed with Covid-19 (two more have since tested positive), I made the hard decision to take time off from my job until it is safe to return. The job entails serving customers directly on the sales floor, chec…
5 years ago / 341 visits / 9 comments / 3 people like
It seems the Corona virus has infected more than just people; it has infected a way of life. The impact it has in my country (USA) is downright unprecedented! All our public schools in Maryland are closed for two weeks. Other states are also closing their schools. All sports venues are cancelled ind…
5 years ago / 322 visits / 16 comments / 2 people like
I want to thank all my ipernity friends for the friendship you show and all your beautiful photos and works of art! You have enriched my life and I hope I have in some small way done the same for you. May 2020 be even better for us all!
5 years ago / 225 visits / 1 comment / 2 people like
Hello Dear Ipernity Friends, I will be taking a short break to care for my very sick husband who was diagnosed with severe sepsis this week. Thankfully the antibiotic is working and he is for the most part "out of the woods". He is hospitalized and remains very weak, though. Hopefully I will be back…
5 years ago / 426 visits / 12 comments / 2 people like
Just a short note to wish all of my ipernity friends a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. It has been a great year for ipernity and I am so blessed to be a part of this fabulous community! :-)
6 years ago / 330 visits / 8 comments / 2 people like
Hello my Friends, If you don't see as much of me lately, it's because I am busy with my job during the holiday season. I have increased hours with the accompanying increased stress and fatigue, so it has been very difficult to take photos on a regular basis or even to stop by and comment on your pho…
6 years ago / 289 visits / 3 comments / 4 people like
If I appear slow to visit and comment on photos, it's because my work schedule has changed in a way that makes it harder for me to keep up with groups like HFF and Macro Mondays 2.0. As I am someone who likes to comment on all my fellow members' photos in a prompt manner, it has been a frustrating t…
7 years ago / 358 visits / 5 comments / 5 people like
Hi Friends, Due to a severe winter storm with high winds, my internet service is down. I am able to access on my phone, but it’s a bit of a nuisance trying to comment on photos with it, so I will wait until I can use my computer. Thank you very much for you patience and have a beautiful weekend!
7 years ago / 437 visits / 6 comments / 1 person likes
Over the past 4 years that I have been a member of ipernity, I somehow managed to join over 400 groups! This is way too many for me to keep up with! In an effort to be a more engaging member to the groups I regularly participate in, I must downsize. Groups that I rarely or never contribute to are th…
7 years ago / 502 visits / 7 comments / 3 people like
I have been slowly getting back to participating on ipernity again, and it was such a pleasure to learn that Explore is finally up and running! I don't know about you, but this was an important tool for me to use to meet new people and as another way to keep up with old friends! I didn't realize jus…
7 years ago / 593 visits / 8 comments / 10 people like
Hi all, It was good to get away for awhile, and now I'm happy to be back with renewed energy to photograph and post images. During the interim I was away, I upgraded to an iPhone 7 Plus just for the camera feature. It didn't cost me any more to get it than if I had chosen the regular Iphone 7. It wa…
7 years ago / 644 visits / 13 comments / 3 people like
A lot has been going on in my life lately, and if you don't see much of me during the next few weeks, it's because I'll be taking a rest from all the websites I participate in. It seems that I've lost some of my enthusiasm for photography and just need to "recharge the batteries" so-to-speak. My dee…
7 years ago / 692 visits / 23 comments / 4 people like