A Time to Stay Home...
After the announcement yesterday that one person in the next town over from me has been diagnosed with Covid-19 (two more have since tested positive), I made the hard decision to take time off from my job until it is safe to return. The job entails serving customers directly on the sales floor, checking them out at cash registers, handling their money and merchandise they touch, all of which effectively prevents me from practicing "social distance" from the customers I serve. While I have no "pre-existing" conditions, I am over 60 years old, and more important, I have a retired husband at home who is also over 60 and diabetic. My husband is the main reason why I go into self-imposed isolation. I am employed with a big box store that sells food and other necessary supplies in addition to entertainment goods and clothes. The only reason it is still open is because it sells the necessary food and medicine supplies. However I work in a department that would be considered "non-essential". While I feel sorry to leave my coworkers to pick up the slack, I feel no guilt leaving until it is safe for me to return. I only hope that I was not exposed to the virus before making this decision to leave. I will know in two weeks. My husband and I have practiced social distancing with each other as best we could for at least the past week. I hope it is enough.

As of today (March 24th ), the State of Maryland reports 349 citizens diagnosed with Covid-19. Yesterday that total was 288. I know that these numbers seem miniscule compared to what some other states and countries around the world are going through, but this is really only the beginning for us. We have neighboring states with far higher infection rates (most notably New York). I hope the aggressive policies being instituted by the Governor of my state works to drastically lower the potential infection rate that will prevent overwhelming our healthcare system.


Chrissy said:

Liebe Val, ich wünsche Dir und Deinem Mann das Beste. Ich glaube, es ist die richtige Entscheidung von Dir und ich hoffe, dass ihr gut versorgt seid und gesund bleibt. Wir erleben gerade eine schwierige Zeit, aber ich hoffe sehr, dass es die Menschen soldarischer macht.
4 years ago ( translate )

Valfal replied to Chrissy:

Vielen Dank, Chrissy! Ich bin sicher, dass wir diese schwere Zeit durchstehen werden; nur ein vorübergehender "Stoß in der Straße".
4 years ago ( translate )

Jenny McIntyre said:

Yes the only people who come into my home are either the delivery men or my helper, Emily. I know I'll be okay because Emily will get me anything I need. I think you are very wise indeed to stop working - you weren't selling anything that was actually vital. I wish you two the best of health. I heard the Governor on tv this afternoon, can't remember where he's from, I think it's NY. He spoke so well. Apparently your FEM (?) are offering to give 400 ventilators, whereas he was saying he needs 30,000. He said that FEM had loads in store, but they didn't want to send them incase they needed them for their troops. Why don't they send them now, and then take the newer ones when they're ready? I just pray that you never need one. Stay safe and stay at home!!!!
4 years ago

Valfal replied to Jenny McIntyre:

Thank you so much for your well wishes, Jenny! The numbers of Coronavirus continue to rise in my area, but that is to be expected at this time. In the meantime, great innovation is happening as the CDC and FEMA are joining forces to gather the resources needed to fight this virus. Many scientists are working hard to develop a vaccine, and there are drugs already existing that may help cure people. I’m trying to remain positive as we wait this thing out.
4 years ago

Gudrun said:

You did the sensible thing to take time off. I hope you both will stay safe and well, take care!
4 years ago

Jan said:

Warmest wishes Val. You made the right decision and you need to stay safe and well. My husband and I are both at home sitting this out apart from going to shop for groceries. It is impossible to buy certain items which I regard to be essentials. Strange and worrying times. Take very good care
4 years ago

christel.k said:

Liebe Val, auch von mir alle guten Wünsche für Dich und Deinen Mann, bleibt gesund! In dieser Zeit ist die Gesundheit das Wichtigste überhaupt!
4 years ago ( translate )

HaarFager said:

Please stay safe, Val! Best wishes to you and your husband.
4 years ago

Gillian Everett said:

Stay safe Val, you are doing the right thing.
4 years ago