Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Hi all! Just a short message to wish you season's greetings and to let you know that I'm still alive, lol! My new home will be ready to move into by the end of the week and it will feel so good to get back to normal again! I hope all of you enjoyed your Christmas holiday, and wish you health and blessings for the coming year!


Gracie said:

Glad to hear you are still with us! Good luck onthe new home. Merry Christmas!
2 years ago

Jenny McIntyre said:

Oh how wonderful Val. You must be so excited - I know I would be. So you will be in your new home at the beginning of 2022. I look forward to seeing pictures of it all. I'm sure you and your family will be very happy there. I wish you a superb 2022.
2 years ago

Valfal said:

Thank you so much, Gracie and Jenny! I hope to be back in the swing of things very soon!
2 years ago

Malik Raoulda said:

Merci beaucoup..Heureuse et joyeuse fête dans la joie et la sérénité.
2 years ago ( translate )

Taormina said:

Alles Gute
2 years ago ( translate )

HaarFager said:

I hope things keep going smoothly and you get comfortable living in your new house. May you have many happy years under it's roof!
2 years ago