
Whither photography?

Today I saw an online news item in which Canon suggest the camera market could drop by 50% in two years, as smartphones take over. tinyurl.com/yd76xmqn As I've been playing with a new phone the past few days (see recent images) the growing capability of phones has really come home to me. One of the two images above was taken with my phone, the other with a 50mm lens on a full frame DSLR (slight editing to crop, adjust some tones, but little else). If you've a few minutes to blow this up as large as possible you may care to try guessing what took which. I much prefer a 'real' camera, but this little exercise over the past few days really has been food for thought.
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Elbertinum said:

I don't know -
6 years ago

Sylvain Wiart said:

the one above is better for me, but is it tne one taken with full frame ?
6 years ago

Erhard Bernstein said:

I can't decide which is which - but I suppose that it would be easier to tell when you compare the two in a situation with less light.
6 years ago

Jaap van 't Veen said:

For me also the first one looks better.
6 years ago

Rosalyn Hilborne said:

I can certainly believe that George, and I think they may be right but I will always keep a 'real' camera. I actually like both pic's. The top one is sharper but I like the softer middle and colours of the bottom one. I look forward to knowing which was which!
6 years ago

Gudrun said:

Food for thought indeed! The cheap point&shoot cameras will surely be dying out soon.
I hazard a guess that the top shot was with the DSLR because of the bokeh....
6 years ago

Annemarie said:

love this double rose

Wish you a HEALTY happy new week:)
6 years ago

William Sutherland said:

Exceptional diptych! Sad news indeed since I prefer a camera. I would guess the smart phone took the bottom photo.
6 years ago

Marie-claire Gallet said:

WOW, EXQUISITE, George !! Lovely pastel colour !!!!!!!!!!
6 years ago ( translate )

Roger (Grisly) said:

Two excellent images George, using the mobile phone is difficult for me as I have a touch of arthritis in the hands, the other issue is that a good phone costs as much if not more than a decent camera.
6 years ago

Ulrich John said:

There is no difference for me. Perhaps the bokeh is a little bit different. I can't answer your question but I guess the first one is taken with the DSLR. Anyway: both are fine close-ups !
6 years ago

Nora Caracci said:

to me the upper one is with your camera, the bottom one with the phone.
I think so because of the depth of field ...
anyway very good both !
(I do prefer a "real" camera")
6 years ago

RHH said:

My guess is that the same as Nora's, but it is hard to tell the difference and food for thought indeed.
6 years ago

RHH said:

6 years ago ( translate )