This yellow crab spider was sitting so pretty on the blue flower. When I looked up at home to what it was for a spider, I was amazed: This spider can change color "at will".
If you want to learn more about it, look here:
Edward Bowthorpe said:
Indycaver (Norm) said:
Indira Nair said:
Janet Brien said:
I ADORE Crab Spiders!! You got such a great picture of this little guy too, aren't they fun?! :) Great dof here, and I sure do know how tiny they can be. SO SMALL and yet, SO ADORABLE!! :D To me, they always look like they are telling you, "I once caught an insect THISSSSSSS BIG!" :D GREAT JOB WITH "I"!!! *high five, Pod Sister!* *hugs*
Blueman said:
Graham Chance said:
Annemarie said:
love the colors
Annemarie said:
Don Sutherland said:
Malik Raoulda said:
Bonne fin de semaine.
Fantasyfan said:
Trudy Tuinstra said:
natur' ELLE said:
Christian C said:
X-pose said: