Porch - Balcon - Alpendre
On my porch there is a resting chair without a body and in my house one night without shadows by corners or hidden in drawers and my soul planes around the light in more and more shorter and faster circles vortex of the body which will lay down in the chair at any moment
Sur mon balcon il y a une chaise-longue sans corps et dans ma maison une nuit sans ombres par les coins ou cachés dans les tiroirs et mon âme plane autour de la lumière en cercles de plus en plus courts et rapides tourbillon du corps qui se couchera dans la chaise à tout l'instant


No meu alpendre há uma cadeira de repouso sem corpo e na minha casa uma noite sem sombras pelas esquinas nem escondidas nas gavetas e minha alma plana à volta da luz em círculos cada vez mais curtos e rápidos vórtice do corpo que se deitará na cadeira a todo o momento

by Armando TABORDA, 2014

(post 1st edition, 2014; 2nd edition, 2018; 3rd edition, 2022)


Christel Ehretsmann said:

great harmony between the words and the image...
6 years ago

Armando Taborda replied to Christel Ehretsmann:

A big thanks to you, Christel!
6 years ago