to start all over again . . .
you look,
and you think,
something wrong,
as you stand
at the kitchen sink,
doing the washing up
preparing a meal
your mind goes black
and you think
no deal . . .
I'll start again,
rip it up and sigh
there's always tomorrow
for another try
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Taken on Sunday December 18, 2022
Posted on Sunday December 18, 2022
- 222 visits
- 13 people like
Smiley Derleth said:
beverley replied to Smiley Derleth:
not for some time now . . thanks for stopping
by, appreciated thanks !
Stephan Fey said:
beverley replied to Stephan Fey:
comment . . apologies for not responding as I normally
would do when I post . . but some issues and could
not be here . . so sorry ! pleased you found it
interesting to view :)
Keith Burton said:
I like your words as well........although they seem rather sad ;-(
beverley replied to Keith Burton:
I'd love to be able to create something like
this again . . :) and apologies for not being
here after posting . . circumstances
unfortunately . . I'm sorry !
cammino said:
beverley replied to cammino:
it is a reflection of how things are . . thanks for
visiting and viewing and your awareness !
Keith Burton replied to beverley:
tiabunna said:
beverley replied to tiabunna:
"dumped 'n run" I don't do this as you know
but a dash to "H" will return and catch up
and thanks for your best wishes . . hope you
are ok and wether a bit kinder.
Armando Taborda said:
beverley replied to Armando Taborda:
to reciprocate, as mentioned to George previous
comment . . emergency situation arose and had
to just run away as they say . . thanks for being
here . . yes life is a puzzle that I hope in this
instance is slowly unfolding . . kiss
beverley said:
piece by piece issues slowly being
dealt with , ongoing for a while sadly,
but fingers crossed and hopeful for
good results soon.
menonfire said: