Dalle-2 Generated Image to capture Israel's "9/11." Despite this genocidal abomination and the darkness of the moment, "
The evil have no future." [Proverbs 24:20]
My deepest condolences and sympathies go to Israel and the Jewish diaspora.
Finally, it is our generation's moment to unequivocally support Israel during her time of need especially for those of us who have said we would have opposed Hitler during the Holocaust but hadn't been born during that time to ensure "
Never again!" doesn't re-occur again and again and again.
Armando Taborda said:
William Sutherland said:
Xata said:
Thanks for this tribute.
Bem haja
vero said:
William bel hommage belle et douce soirée bisous plus jamais ça
Don Sutherland said:
Yesterday was a horrible day in Israel. It was a brutal day for humanity and those who care for humanitarian principles. Driven by an unyielding claim anchored in theological interpretation that Israel exists on land that is an “Islamic Waqf” and profound rejection of “so-called peaceful solutions,” armed terrorists from Hamas launched an unprovoked attack on Israel’s people. Civilians, first responders, police officers, and soldiers were attacked indiscriminately. Families, mothers, and children were taken hostage, many severely beaten. Women and young girls were raped, their bodies desecrated.
Following Israel's victory in the 1967 War, Foreign Minister Abba Eban explained to the UN Security Council, "On the fateful morning of 5 June, when Egyptian forces moved by air and land against Israel’s western coast and southern territory, our country’s choice was plain. The choice was to live or perish, to defend the national existence or to forfeit it for all time."
Today, Israel is again confronted with the choice to live or perish. Israel, as it has done throughout its history, will again choose to live. Life is what animates Israel and its people. Death is the false god that fuels the barbaric terrorists of Hamas who carried out yesterday's massacre. Life will prevail over death.
Malik Raoulda said:
Bonne et agréable semaine salutaire.
William Sutherland said:
I hate it when I hear it the attacks were carried out by "Islamic extremists." To put it in the same perspective, then one can say the Holocaust was carried out by "Christian extremists." No, instead these murderous acts during 1939-45 and yesterday were carried out by genocidal extremists plain and simple, having nothing to do with God since the perpetrators are apostates whose ways are completely antithetical to God's ways.
Muslims are peace loving people as was the great prophet Mohammad. Even though I'm a Christian, I consider Mohammad a great prophet and admire him. It's too bad many want to keep us brothers and sisters of the same one God and descendants of Abraham divided and separated. :(
William Sutherland said:
Annemarie said:
Kayleigh said:
Makrofan said:
Karl Hartwig Schütz said:
William Sutherland said:
Mikus said:
Jocelyne Villoing said: