
Barclays Center 7 June 2020

Barclays Center, Brooklyn, NY

In light of the unlawful murder of George Floyd at the hands of four MPD cops and the nationwide riots, looting and acts of arson, I chose to focus on the positive with hope this time will be different and African-Americans will have their lives valued and will no longer have to live under "police-state" conditions in America. Therefore, I photographed Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s inspirational saying that is eternally relevant as well as "Black Lives Matter" posters and graffiti honoring George Floyd, the latter two digitally edited, found also in Brooklyn, NY. I did not include the looted and borded up stores around Barclays Center that include but are not limited to Shake Shack, Target, Modell's, Old Navy. I also didn't include photos of rage influenced graffiti since hopefully now these are days of healing and the beginning of a grass roots movement to create a more perfect union where human rights are respected and peoples of all diversity interact and live in peace.

The LED display is located on the Barclays Center, home of the NBA's Brooklyn Nets.

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by the way said:

4 years ago ( translate )

raingirl said:

thank you.
4 years ago

Malik Raoulda said:

Je trouve magnifique ce que vous présentez en vous limitant a l'essentiel et au symbole. Cette fois -ci le peuple Américain a donné une grande leçon de civisme,de démocratie et de justice,suivi par un grand nombre de pays... J'espère que les gouvrnants ont comprit la leçon et que la mort de George Floyd ainsi que toutes ces manifetations ne soient pas vaines.
4 years ago ( translate )

@ngélique ❤️ said:

bonne journée William ************
4 years ago ( translate )

Annemarie said:

a very long struggle for black people........ everywhere, unfortunatly............
Grea reminder
4 years ago

Diana Australis said:

So true!
4 years ago

aNNa schramm said:

4 years ago ( translate )

Jaap van 't Veen said:

Sincerely hope things will change !!
4 years ago

HelenaPF said:

He was true!!!! Stop for all inequities!!!!!+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
4 years ago

Rosalyn Hilborne said:

A wonderful quote William. Hopefully the change will come.
4 years ago

William Sutherland said:

Thank you by the way, Raingirl, Malik, @ngelique, Annemarie, Diana, Anna, Jaap, Helena, and Rosalyn! Let's hope it's not in vain. Real change is needed but only time will tell if this time government leaders have the necessary wisdom and courage! Stay well!
4 years ago

Marie-claire Gallet said:

There is so much to do on this planet !!! Hope for better days for everybody, but the politicians have to focus more on the well-being of their citizens and a bit less on their own profits and ego.
4 years ago

Rainer Blankermann said:

I hope that the change will come. Thanks for the image and the text!
Stay well!
4 years ago

Roger (Grisly) said:

Excellent sentiments and image William,
4 years ago ( translate )

Ulrich John said:

Yessss !
4 years ago ( translate )