
Every COVID-19 Death Has A Name

Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, NY

Every COVID-19 death has a name... and every COVID-19 death, reported, unreported or covered-up, is real.

Digitially enhanced collage created from the hundreds of posters, flyers, banners, and images attached to Green-Wood Cemetery's fence just to the right of the main entrance at 500 25th Street to reinforce the heart-breaking reality of COVID-19 here in NYC and everywhere in the world.

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Marie-claire Gallet said:

OMY this is sooooo sad !! Yes behind the name of the COVID-19 there is also a familly and friends who are in sorrow. Hope no one has been victim of this virus amongst your family and friends, William !!
4 years ago

William Sutherland replied to Marie-claire Gallet:

Yes it is very sad Marie. Thank you for your hope but I did lose an aunt to COVID-19, a friend/neighbor and co-workers... but this was the sad reality during the darkest days in New York. :(
4 years ago

Jaap van 't Veen said:

And there are so MANY .........
Stay safe and healthy William.
4 years ago

Dominique 60 said:

si soudain et si meurtrier !!
4 years ago ( translate )

by the way said:

Stay safe and healthy
4 years ago

Marie-claire Gallet replied to William Sutherland:

Terrible news, William. All my thoughts go your family and friends. Stay safe and healthy.
4 years ago

William Sutherland said:

Thank you Marie-claire, Jaap, Dominique and by the way!
4 years ago

Erika Akire said:

....when will it end...stay well, William...
4 years ago

William Sutherland replied to Erika Akire:

Sadly Erika, not anytime soon by the looks. Pretending it away in the USA certainly didn't work, calling it the "little flu" in Brazil didn't work either. A medical cure is the only hope since I'm skeptical any workable vaccine will be developed. Still, I hope it ends soon so peoples' lives can be spared and some sort of normalcy can return. Thank you Erika and likewise, stay well!
4 years ago

Malik Raoulda said:

Dieu merci on a été épargné ma famille aussi,mais un grand nombre a travers le monde ne l'a pas été.. Aujourd'hui est notre premier jour de déconfinement total.Essayons de rester vigilant et de respecter les consignes sanitaires et salutaires.... Ne jamais oublier les morts.. Prions pour eux et pour leurs familles.
4 years ago ( translate )

William Sutherland said:

Malik, I'm happy to hear everyone in your family has been spared, Stay strong during the confinement since preventative measures have shown great effectiveness. NY is a good example -- from the worst place in the world it's now one of the safest pertaining to COVID-19 even though there still are cases and sadly, deaths too. Hope you and your family wear face masks or face coverings when outdoors and around other people since they do work. And yes, never forget the dead, their families and friends. Thank you and stay well!
4 years ago

Annaig56 said:

oh oui quelle tristesse un cauchemar éveillé pour tous une épreuve terrible en espérant que nous ne revivrons jamais cela mais il faut que les gens soient vigilants c'est cela le problème je fais un moment de paix pour les amis la famille et le monde entier chaque soir à 19 heures et beaucoup se soignent à moi également en pensée prenez soin de vous et de vos proches
4 years ago ( translate )

Fred Fouarge said:

Antoinette jonge dame 51 jaar--niet alleen ouderen sterven !?
4 years ago ( translate )

J.Garcia said:

Great idea, William
4 years ago ( translate )

Rosalyn Hilborne said:

I am so sorry that you have lost a relative and dear friends William. A very touching and sad collage. Take great care. I wish you a good week ahead.
4 years ago