
My Voice Against Racial Injustice

Merged Image created from photographs I took in Larchmont, NY on 31 May 2020 (the squashed, torn and soiled American flag) and in Bridgeport, CT on 27 November 2014 (the graffiti message).

Racial injustice has been going on for too long in the USA. While it is sad to see the looting and arson, these are natural and tragic consequences to the endemic racism that continues to plague American society. This has to stop! Police reform is badly needed and in my opinion, it should start with instituting a mandatory policy of de-escalation. Physical force should only be used when violent crimes occur, for self-defense, and to protect life and property when imminent danger exists and to the minimal degree necessary. Suspected offenses like drug possession, open container violations, loitering, and with the case of George Floyd passing a counterfeit bill that he may not have even known was counterfeit based on the premise of "innocent until proven guilty," a right ALL Americans are guaranteed, should have resulted in no more than a written summons to appear in court to explain his side of the story. No handcuffs or arrest was necessary. And for those who say this is naive, I strongly disagree. It is possible with proper training, discipline and respect for the U.S. Constitution, legal framework, impartial justice that is blind to color and equal for all, and human rights.

#BlackOutTuesday 2 June 2020
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by the way said:

Ausgezeichnetes Statement und Bild!!!
4 years ago ( translate )

©UdoSm said:

It is good that you have this opinion.
We have an old saying that says: "The fish starts to stink from the head..."
4 years ago

Taormina said:

There are terribly many people who condemn everything that is "different"
without knowing or understanding it.
This hatred is a terrible grimace that many people hide with a smiling face.
These people have no respect and no decency.
They only know the way that spreads fear and anxiety.

When I observe (at least what is shown to us in Europe)
what happens on the streets and how politics reacts to some extent,
then it is an oppressive feeling that resembles powerlessness.
Of course people should go out into the streets,
but as soon as the sun goes down they behave like wild animals.
That is no solution either. But how should one react differently if politics fails?
4 years ago

William Sutherland replied to Taormina:

Well said Katja. Despite the views of those who condemn differences, differences and diversity are what make humanity so rich. Otherwise we'd live in a monotonous and boring world. As for your statement at night, while these acts are sad, they are expected since politics have failed and this is tragically the only way some can be heard when disgusting acts against humanity keep happening.

Maybe real discomfort is what all walks of society need until oppression ends and all can also live in freedom without being profiled, harassed, brutalized, and murdered. Individuality and differences should never make one a target.
4 years ago

Jaap van 't Veen said:

Very well said William.
4 years ago

Thorsten said:

4 years ago ( translate )

HelenaPF said:

Alas!!!!a thousand times ALAS!!!!
But without police, it was worse isn't it? l think that will continue for the problem is heigher in the people who are at the top!
Power of money, social differences, poverty, emotional misery and fear of others, lack of empathy and love, egoism, not to say egotism of the modern world, privileges, and, above all, blatantly unequal justice.
"impartial justice that is blind to color and equal for all, and human rights."
l fear that rest a wishful thinking as we say in France! Never, in everytime and everywhere, under so many different governments and periods, we never saw that impartial independant justice for what we want, all and everybody!!!!! always, this justice is in the richpeople's hands....
4 years ago

William Sutherland replied to HelenaPF:

It would be worse without police but what we need is a well-trained and disciplined police force that respects diversity. We also need reasonable laws that offer perspective since not every offense should have to involve arrest. And yes, re: politics -- democrats and republicans alike have failed the people when it comes to fairness, equality and respect for human rights and this dream of a better society and world still remains seemingly out of reach and impossible.
4 years ago

homaris said:

Western democracy is absolutely rotten ....
4 years ago

neira-Dan replied to homaris:

normal , c'est une dictature du fric, dirigée par les plus riches
4 years ago ( translate )

neira-Dan said:

une image forte
4 years ago ( translate )

Annemarie said:

4 years ago ( translate )

Malik Raoulda said:

J'avais vu la scène dans son temps , c'etait abominable. L'homme suppliait a terre qu'il ne pouvait plus respirer,il le répétait inlassablement,mais en vain..A croire que la justice fonctionne a deux vitesses quand il s'agit d'Afroamericain noir...C'est dommage pour un grand pays démocratique comme les USA. je suis très solidaire avec ces manifestations et que les coupables soient punis,mais par contre je ne suis pas d'accord avec ces saccages et ces incendies...Pour des manifestations propres et généralisées...
4 years ago ( translate )

@ngélique ❤️ said:

c'est tellement horrible de voir ces images de violence , j'en ai tellement marre de voir ça tout les jours ! c'est bien triste mon ami ! le racisme existera tout toujours malheureusement ! au gouvernement d'y mettre fin !
belle journée William et portez vous bien
4 years ago ( translate )

Marie-claire Gallet said:

Very meaningful image, William ! Freedom equality fraternity !!! Unfortunately these words are so often scoffed all around the world.
Extremely sad ! Unfortunately humankid has not made real progresses over the centuries and we still live in a jungle ...
4 years ago