6 October 2023 - Club News

Dear members and friends of ipernity,

1) Revised Landing Page.
The selection of images for the Landing Page has been made, and the software update implemented, see Explore. You will note that the image changes each time the page is refreshed. This is on a random basis, so you might get the same image twice, but most of the time it will be different.

We hope that this refresh, suggested by our membership, helps new members engage with the text and our website, and that our current members appreciate the variation of images.

The team is thrilled that so many people made suggestions to update our Landing Page. Thank you all very much! Additional images may be suggested to the group Landing Page Suggestions for consideration at a later date. Please refer to the guidelines for details of the requirements, including the extra-wide 21:9 Cinemascope format.

2) Club Activity: What's your favorite page to explore on ipernity, or your favorite group?
Inquiring minds want to know!

Let’s share here where we go most on ipernity, our favorite places to explore and/or favorite groups. (It is helpful to copy the url of any pages or groups we refer to).

Do you go to your contacts’ pages to see their photos first? Are you drawn to Explore/New, or Explore/Gallery? Do you engage in discussions in groups? Do you search out new groups? Do you check your groups by going to the individual group pages, or just check Group Activity from your News page? Do you engage in conversations, discuss the technique behind the creation of a photograph or artwork, or simply enjoy awarding yellow stars to your favorites?

There are so many ways to use our website – what’s your way?

Your ima team.


Jaap van 't Veen said:

16 months ago ( translate )

Daniela said:

Je n'ai aucun problème avec Iper ❤️
16 months ago ( translate )

Annemarie said:

I like it!
16 months ago

Jocelyne Villoing said:

Très bien, merci beaucoup.
Bonne fin de semaine à toute l'équipe.
16 months ago ( translate )

Tanja - Loughcrew said:

Danke auch hier, dass Ihr die Frontpage aktualisiert habt…die rotierende Auswahl ist eine tolle Idee und ich empfinde die Fotos als „lebendig“ :) Danke!
16 months ago ( translate )

raingirl replied to Tanja - Loughcrew:

I'm glad you like it. It's always nice to refresh pages like that. It's nice that the membership suggested and supported the change.
16 months ago

Tanja - Loughcrew said:

Durch die Tatsache, dass mir „nur“ die neuesten Fotos meiner Kontakte angezeigt werden, schaue ich wirklich gerne bei „Explore“ vorbei um zu sehen, welche Fotos oft gesehen werden.
Ich schätze unsere happy-Gruppen…wir haben nun ja schon eine hFF, hBM und eine hWW-Gruppe, die gut und gerne besucht und frequentiert werden und ein Treffpunkt sind…macht Spaß!
16 months ago ( translate )

raingirl replied to Tanja - Loughcrew:

Thank you for telling us your way of using ipernity!

When you say you go to Explore, do you mean you go to Explore/Gallery: www.ipernity.com/explore/whatshot
or Explore/Noteworthy:

I agree that the 'happy' groups are wonderful. It is fun to see what people come up with and they are active.
16 months ago

Malik Raoulda said:

Tout va pour le mieux pour moi .....
Et surtout j'apprécie le travail soigné que vous nous présentez....!
16 months ago ( translate )

ROL/Photo said:

Tout Ok pour moi aussi
Merci pour vos efforts et recherches
16 months ago ( translate )

Tanja - Loughcrew replied to :

Ich meine tatsächlich die Explore-whats hot-Seite, Laura…dort entdecke ich immer wieder auch Fotos und Fotografen, die mir bisher unbekannt waren. Gerne besuche ich auch neue Mitglieder, die Ihr im Team auch monatlich präsentiert.
Ich wünsch Dir einen schönen Sonntag:)
16 months ago ( translate )

raingirl said:

My favorite page to go to on ipernity is my contact's latest photos: www.ipernity.com/network/contacts

I know it only shows the latest from each person, but it works as a great starting off point for me.

I also quite enjoy going to Explore/Noteworthy.
I find new people's photos to enjoy and to engage with on that page. Being able to use that page in lightbox view makes it special for me.
16 months ago

Jaap van 't Veen said:

Ik kijk eigenlijk altijd naar:
- Jouw contacten; wat is nieuw ?
- Ontdekken > Nieuw
- Groepen
- Maandelijkse nieuwe leden
16 months ago ( translate )

Annaig56 said:

la page d'accueil est très agréable et tournante un petit regret si je peux me permettre ici ce sont les photos très dénudées qui ne devraient pas être visite dans le groupe notamment
vos photos de choc sans discrimination merci de vos efforts ...
16 months ago ( translate )

Realbeck said:

Explore -I like it. Well done.
16 months ago