3 November 2023 - Club News

Dear members and friends of ipernity,

1) Bulletin from our club president.

On 7 October 2023 we were presented with a claim for monetary damages from a well-established and reputable German-headquartered company that specializes in obtaining compensation from intellectual property theft (e.g. copyright infringements) because of the actions of an ipernity member. He is now a past member because his account was promptly deleted along with the image that had been uploaded without the photographer's permission as required by the Digital Services Act (DSA).

When we received notification, we were instructed to make payment of EUR553.29 / USD587.65 no later than 20 October 2023. This is the third time I had to work with this company, which I hope is the last. Fortunately we again came to an amicable resolution and the claim was withdrawn because of legal considerations and our prompt action.

At the same time, in the best interests of the site and spirit of cooperation and to fulfill legal requirements, I provided all pertinent information about this member so this company could better pursue their claim. Know that when one deliberately chooses to commit illegal acts such as intellectual property theft, their interests are subordinate to those of the community and all members in good standing, which I and the rest of the team serve.

As a reminder, while some may consider such acts as innocent and harmless, they are in fact serious with real legal consequences that violate our 'Guidelines of Good Conduct' and 'Terms of Use'. This understanding is imperative since intellectual property laws, especially with regard to digital platforms like ours, remain dynamic in the European Union, subject to change by future court decisions. So, in conclusion, if an image is not yours or if you have doubts it meets the requirements to be a derivative "original" creation, just say, "No" and do not upload it.

Thank you and best regards,


Thank you William, a reference to the above has been added to the Upload page, so that everyone is aware.

2) Option for setting 'Unknown' photo creation date.
As a viewer you may now see 'Taken:' date displayed as "--/--/----". Rather than the user having to set some inaccurate guess, they can use this option. It is found on the popup box from the '(change)' link beside the date. Due to the restrictions of the existing programming, the user who wishes to set an 'unknown' date, does still have to enter a valid date, but being 01/01/1800 it is not onerous.

3) Homepage pictures for the winter season.
In just under four weeks, the motifs on our homepage will switch to the winter season. You may help with the selection again by voting on the former pictures. You will find a link to the voting there: Winter Pictures 2022/23.

On this occasion, we ask you to check your hard drive for appropriate new picture proposals. Besides typical outdoor winter motifs, indoor shootings are also very suitable: Portraits, still life, macro shots, atmospheric shots with candles, cups with hot drinks (chocolate, grog), pets, board games, books in cosy reading places, and so on. Let your imagination run riot and post your proposals here: Ipernity Home Page - Picture Proposals.

4) In memoria.

It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of our long time member, Jonathan Cohen. Condolences and comments can be made on their in memoria page.

Your ima team.


Bergfex said:

I have just found two new and important clues:

FireShot Pro Screen Capture #1045 - 'ipernity  Upload from your computer' - www.ipernity.com

My thanks to the ima team! This is a really good improvement!
15 months ago

Heidiho replied to Bergfex:

Hab das auch gerade gelesen und finde es gut und offenbar wichtig (s.o.)
15 months ago ( translate )

Realbeck replied to Bergfex:

Lieber Bernhard,
ich kann leider diesen Hinweis mit meiner Praxis auf Ipernity nicht recht zusammenbringen.

Was ist ein "photo sharing club"? Das meint wohl, dass man speziell ausgewählte Bilder aus seinem Portfolio einer Öffentlichkeit darbietet.

Bei mir ist das so: um überhaupt etwas "sharen" zu können, muss ich mir zuerst einen Überblick über meine Bilder machen. In den letzten 5 Jahren hat nicht nur die rein quantitative Menge, sondern auch die Zahl der Geräte, die diese Bilder erzeugen zugenommen, so dass es nur noch praktikabel erscheint, diese Bilder online zusammenzuführen, zu sichten und zu ordnen. Sonst würde ich komplett die Übersicht verlieren.

Im Hinblick auf den bei Ipernity vorhandenen, begrenzten Speicherplatz die Bilder entweder nach dem Upload zu löschen oder vorher klein zu rechnen, ist mir vollkommen unpraktikabel.

Ich bin daher dazu übergegangen, ALLE Bilder zuerst auf flickr zu laden. Denn da gibt es (momentan noch) unbegrenzten Speicherplatz. Von dort dann ausgewählte Bilder noch ein weiteres Mal auf Ipernity zu laden, habe ich in letzter Zeit nur noch sporadisch gemacht. Ipernity ist bei mir momentan nur noch ein Archiv. Schade eigentlich.

Kurzum, so ein Hinweis, der eine Schere im Kopf fordert ("Überleg Dir gut, was Du hier hochlädst."), bewirkt bei mir nur das Gegenteil. Ich glaube auch, dass es nicht in die Landschaft passt und uns mehr schaden wird als nützt. Die Strategie aller anderen Plattformen ist doch, die Leute so viel als möglich hochladen zu lassen, um sie möglichst stark zu binden. Oder nicht?

Herzliche Grüße
15 months ago ( translate )

*ઇଓ* said:

Thanks to William, and thanks to the ima team for the improvement and the copyright notice with link in the upload area.
15 months ago

Boarischa Krautmo said:

good reaction, William!
15 months ago

Sarah O' said:

William, This is Sarah O....I am running out of time it seems for renewing my ipernity use,!! Ive tried MORE THAN ONCE to get it renewed, and have had no luck...I answered all items on renewing : my visa card number, and everything but when pressing for it to be sent and completed it tells me it has failed!!!!! very disturbing ... I DO NOT WANT my membership to be canceled William!!! it seems to outline IN RED a box asking maybe for a code ????? can you please help me...... many thanks. can't do without my IPERNITY membership...

15 months ago

Rob Stamp replied to Sarah O':

Laura (raingirl) will be in touch, as some other members have experienced this problem.
15 months ago

William Sutherland replied to :

Thank you Rob and Laura for handling this issue.
15 months ago

Walter 7.8.1956 said:

Danke an William, und danke an das ima-Team für die Verbesserung und den Copyright-Hinweis mit Link im Upload-Bereich.
15 months ago ( translate )

Jaap van 't Veen said:

Thank yoyu William.
15 months ago

Günter Klaus said:

Vielen Dank für eure Arbeit und Benachrichtigung :))

Wünsche noch ein schönes Wochenende,Güni :))
15 months ago ( translate )

ROL/Photo said:

Merci à toute l'équipe et BRAVOOOoooo pour votre réaction,
j'appelle ça du dynamisme et du pas se laisser faire..!
tout à fait dans mon esprit de défense..
beau travail qui permet de renforcer l'appréciation de notre
Team..et que tous les abonnés de Ipernity devaient remercier,
bien amicalement à vous/roland
15 months ago ( translate )

Fred Fouarge said:

alles gelezen...wat eerste punt betreft--illegale foto-opnamen zul je bij mij nooit vinden. Dank je William..
15 months ago ( translate )

Isabelle Barruhet replied to :

Beau travail et félicitations pour ce que vous faites tous et toutes.
C'est toujours pareil : certaines personnes se permettent d'utiliser nos photos sans demander l'autorisation. J'ai été confrontée à ces actes (pas sur ipernity), le gérant d'un blog a utilisé mes photos et les photos d'autres photographes sans demander aucune autorisation. J'ai essayé de le contacter, plusieurs fois il y a quelques années, peine perdue. Une mouche m'a piqué, j'ai indiqué sur une de mes photos que ce site volait mes photos. Il a déposé plainte, il a perdu en première instance et en appel !
C'est très pénible de se trouver convoquée au commissariat de police puis d'être obligée de se déplacer au tribunal du lieu ou se trouve l'entreprise en question et c'était à des centaines de kilomètres de chez moi.
15 months ago ( translate )

J. Gafarot said:

Thank you very much for your action.
I am indebted and wish you all the best.
It is a pitty that we are, all of us, at the merci of these tugs.
Happy Sunday to you and once again, THANKS.
15 months ago