2023-01-06 Club News

Dear members and friends of ipernity,

As the world turns, our global membership is experiencing changes in the weather from one season to another. For many it is the cold arriving for winter, but for others the warmth of summer or mild fluctuations at their equatorial locals.

Whichever way your seasons flow, we wish you a Happy New Year!

1) User Interface Improvements.

1a) Membership renewal by bank transfer.

In an effort to make the method for bank transfer membership renewals more clear, we have updated the message one sees on the renewal page. This message now includes your personal member account id that needs to be given to your bank. This allows us to know which member account to credit.

The Bank transfer renewal process is when you get your bank to send your renewal fee to the Crédit Agricole bank that ipernity uses. If you use this renewal method your ipernity account has to be updated manually. There is usually a delay of a few days to a week before your account will reflect your renewal.

[Note that PayPal membership renewals are reflected on ipernity within a few minutes.]

1b) Clear notice about loss of content.
We never want members to lose photos, so to be as clear about our club website's policies, we have added a new notice on the ipernity account page. Please know that this is not a change in policy, only a clarification.

2) General Assembly IGA 2023.
Information will be coming soon about the upcoming IGA meeting to be held in March. Our club president makes the final decision, but we are considering Saturday, March 25th, 6pm CET for the meeting date and time.

Get ready to submit proposals, run for election, and sing songs! (Just kidding, you don't have to sing if you don't want to.)

3) Groups, Groups and more Groups!
Our club's website is used in many different ways by our diverse membership. One use is to join together in a group. One type of group that can be enjoyed here is a challenge group. A highly active example of a challenge group here on ipernity is Happy Fence Friday. In this group members gather at the "back fence" and say hi!

We have at least one challenge group for each day of the week. Examples are: The Sunday Challenge, Macro Mondays, Happy Tuesday Table, Happy Wednesday Wall, Orange Thursdays, Fridays for Future and Saturday Self-Challenge.

Groups come in all shapes and sizes. One thing stays the same, however, the more one engages with a group, the more fun it is.

Your ima team


Jaap van 't Veen said:

2 years ago ( translate )

David G Johnson said:

'Gotcha'....on all that - thanks 'Team'..... Cheers'.. and 'Good wishes' - from > Dj.. UK.
2 years ago

Fred Fouarge said:

gelezen maar ingewikkeld voor mij op het ogenblik is me alles teveel-het zal wel goed komen
2 years ago ( translate )

@ngélique ❤️ said:

Merci beaucoup et bonne année à toute l'équipe !
2 years ago ( translate )

Pearl said:

Merci beaucoup pour ces premières nouvelles de l'année. Meilleurs vœux à la Team.
2 years ago ( translate )

StoneRoad2013 said:

Many Thanks, again, for all the hard work and new features.
2 years ago ( translate )

Thomas R. said:

I set up a standing order last year for the bank transfer for membership renewal. The transfer is made once a year on 1 November. My membership year ends in mid-November, so there is still enough time to process the incoming payment.
2 years ago

Team replied to Thomas R.:

That is a good plan. Thank you for mentioning how you do it - that may be helpful for others to know.
2 years ago

Misou 49 said:

Merci pour les voeux et tout ce que vous faites pour le bon fonctionnement de notre communauté . Meilleurs voeux à toute l'équipe pour une bonne année 2023 , une bonne santé et la prospérité pour Ipernity .
2 years ago ( translate )

Daniela said:

Bravp, bon plan ************
2 years ago ( translate )

Taormina said:

Sehr gerne würden euch die Admin der Gruppen:
Saturday Self-Challenge und Macro Mondays
begrüßen und euch alle Fragen zur Gruppe beantworten
und gerne dabei helfen, so das ihr ein Teil davon zu werdet.

Viele Grüße und ein Gesundes 2023


The admin of the groups:
Saturday Self-Challenge and Macro Mondays
Would be happy to welcome you and answer any questions about the group
and help you become a part of it.

Greetings and a healthy 2023
2 years ago ( translate )

Saluton al ciuj...!… said:

Bonne année 2023 à TOUS-tes
Et MERCI les ami(e)S...
Danilo 2023.
2 years ago ( translate )

Eric Desjours said:

Happy New Year to the whole team!
Many thanks for these constructive and clear information.
A new IGA is already on the horizon!! May it be mobilising and guarantee the perenniality ('iperniality') of our dear site that each member animates in a so beautiful way.
2 years ago

Bergfex said:

With regard to item 1a, I would like to add: Bank transfers are only advisable within the European payment area SEPA.
Payments from outside, for example from Switzerland, cause high fees. From outside SEPA, only Paypal should be used.
2 years ago

Nora Caracci said:

Grazie !
Per i gruppi:
1) il Lunedì c'è anche HBM "Happy Bench Monday"
2) Ci sono molti gruppi, in cui i post dipendono dall'approvazione di un admin o di un moderatore, che non sono tenuti sotto controllo né da admin né da mod. Si vedono post solo di questi due tipi di membri e le pending queues sono eterne, sebbene almeno uno degli admin e mod siano attivi su ipernity quasi tutti i giorni.
Per favore, invitate admin e mod a controllare periodicamente i loro gruppi, grazie
2 years ago ( translate )