2023-02-03 Club News

Dear members and friends of ipernity,

1) Website update: Improved album listing when uploading.
Until now, if you wanted to put a photo into one of your albums, it was often difficult to find this. This was because your albums were previously displayed based on the order in which they were created, with the most recent albums on top (see the following illustration, left-hand). In addition, the list was limited to fifty albums. This limit was expandable, but it was cumbersome.

The display has now been improved so that all of your albums are displayed in alphabetical order, without limitations (see the following illustration, right). For members with many albums, the display can be confined to those beginning with a certain letter. Finding the right album is now much easier.

2) Covid-19 Fund closes and becomes a general Financial Help Fund.
Our generous Covid-19 Fund donors have agreed to switch their donations to a general Financial Help Fund. We have never had such a fund before. This change is another indication of how much we all support our ipernity community!

Any requests for financial help with membership renewals should go through the help ticket system.

3) Staying up with cultural trends - ipernity goes gender neutral!
As a photographer, are you aware of gray scale neutral tones? Now ipernity's website is also neutral - gender neutral.

In the effort to welcome all newcomers our website no longer requires people to tell us their gender when they sign up for an account. This helps keep us from looking old fashioned to younger generations and places us in a better position for the current cultural norm. The cultural trend is to allow for gender neutral terms, but since we are a multi-country website with 7 languages built into our pages, instead of giving a gender neutral option at sign up we have simply removed the question. Minor modifications to the text built into the website has made this possible. Hopefully this modification will help us feel welcoming to all people.

4) Help us to select the best homepage pictures for this spring!
Voting is now offered again for the upcoming spring pictures. If you would like to take part, follow this link: Vote on the pictures for this spring.

5) Recommend music for our next YouTube slideshow.
Furthermore we invite you to suggest music for the seasonal slide show that we use to promote ipernity on YouTube. Proposals need to be instrumental music of about 3 minutes duration.* They must either be copyright-free or licensed for use on YouTube (more about this).

* Longer pieces of music may also be suggested, provided they are well structured. This will allow post-editing to create a shortened version.

Your ima team


DOMCHO said:

Les 4 saisons de Vivaldi le printemps cela va de soi ;-)
2 years ago ( translate )

Bergfex replied to DOMCHO:

Herzlichen Dank für den Tipp. Ich brauche natürlich eine für YouTube lizenzierte Version. Gefunden habe ich schon diese: www.youtube.com/watch?v=41IOkVjy3MM. Leider ist sie etwas wuchtig und nur 2:31 min lang. Aber ich verfolge den Vorschlag weiter.
2 years ago ( translate )

@ngélique ❤️ said:

Très bonne idée et merci à toute l'équipe ! bonne soirée
2 years ago ( translate )

Fred Fouarge said:

Goed idee-dat over covid heeft al mijn stem
2 years ago ( translate )

Colin Ashcroft said:

Album search is a good help, thanks
2 years ago

Jaap van 't Veen said:

2 years ago ( translate )

Jocelyne Villoing said:

Très bien, merci beaucoup.
Bon week-end à tous.
2 years ago ( translate )

Günter Klaus said:

Vielen Dank für die neue Nachrichten :))

Wünsche noch einen schönen Abend,ganz liebe Grüße Güni :))
2 years ago ( translate )

Marije Aguillo said:

Me encanta pertenecer a este grupo que tiene gente generosa y sensible con los temas de identidad. Sólo felicitaros por vuestro excelente trabajo en todos los campos.
2 years ago ( translate )

Marije Aguillo said:

Como música, podéis probar con Ennio Morricone, Il Figlio e la nostalgia, o This kind of love, tiene muchas otras que podrían quizás ser adecuadas, según gustos.
2 years ago ( translate )

Bergfex replied to Marije Aguillo:

Gracias por los consejos. Pero me ayudaría mucho que me enviarais enlaces concretos. Ya tengo mucho trabajo editando y recopilando las imágenes.
2 years ago ( translate )

Annemarie said:

Thanks for this update!
2 years ago

Isabelle Barruhet said:

çà, c'est bien, l'ordre alphabétique. Ce serait bien aussi pour les groupe : ce serait plus facile pour chercher dans nos listes.
Pour la musique : Anton Dvorak, la symphonie du nouveau monde
Beau travail.
2 years ago ( translate )

Bergfex replied to Isabelle Barruhet:

Merci pour les indications. Mais cela m'aiderait vraiment si tu pouvais m'envoyer des liens concrets, s'il te plaît. Car j'ai déjà beaucoup de travail de traitement et d'assemblage d'images.
2 years ago ( translate )