Log-in Problem with Firefox 96.0 (solved)
On January 12, 2022, Mozilla released the updated version 96.0 of the Firefox browser. This causes a log-in error with ipernity. But obviously this is not only an ipernity problem: www.ghacks.net/2022/01/13/some-firefox-users-report-connection-issues-workaround-inside

As an interim solution, you can use Chrome, Opera or other browsers. If you prefer to overcome the log-in problem with Firefox, you can use the following workaround, which was published by Boarischa Krautmo :

♦ Type about:config in the Firefox address bar.
♦ Press the [enter]-key.
♦ Click onto: Accept risk and continue (It's not risky!).
♦ Type samesite into the search bar which opens.
♦ Set all flags to false as shown below (use the toggle on the right edge of each line)

♦ Close Firefox.
♦ Start Firefox again.
♦ Open ipernity.
♦ Login as usual.

This procedure has been tested by several ipernity members and works perfectly.

Nevertheless, we are of course trying to find a solution that makes this approach obsolete.

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edit Jan 14: Newest version 96.0.1 no longer causes any login problem.


micritter said:

Thank you! I use Firefox and had the problem.
3 years ago

Eric Desjours replied to micritter:

+ 1
3 years ago ( translate )

* ઇଓ * said:

Two tests showed that changing cookie settings may make logging in easier for those who don't venture into browser configs.

I made the following changes to the cookie settings via the browser sidebar:

Tools ⇾ Page Info ⇾Permissions:

Set cookies ⇾ "Allow for Session".

Store data in persistent storage ⇾ "Block".

After the first attempt, which caused problems like many others, I was able to log in with these settings by finally clicking "Try again" on the browser error message.

I then logged out of ipernity, closed the browser, deleted all cookies and repeated the login process. This time, however, I already changed the cookie settings as described above before trying to log in. And this time it worked without any problem.
3 years ago

Gregory Garrett said:

Firefox just installed another update to the update of a couple of days ago. 96.0.1. This fixed the issue for me.
3 years ago

* ઇଓ * replied to Gregory Garrett:

This was to be assumed.
Thank you for the feedback.
3 years ago

Bergfex said:

3 years ago ( translate )

Valeriane ♫ ♫ ♫¨* said:

MERCI à toute l'équipe ! je viens de me reconnecter avec vos infos ! bon week-end à tous et meilleurs vœux pour cette année nouvelle! amitiés♫
3 years ago ( translate )

֎ — Nicolas Mertens said:

Thanks. I used the Firefox procedure. Now, we have to remember that, "Please note that the preference needs to be enabled again once the issue is resolved by Mozilla, as it will cause breakage in the future when HTTP gets deprecated."
3 years ago

klaus 040 said:

3 years ago ( translate )

Rrrolf replied to klaus 040:

3 years ago ( translate )

Keith Burton said:

Thank you to everyone who worked to resolve this problem. As it happened I didn't need to use the work-around as Firefox has suddenly allowed me to log in again without a problem.

I don't know what you did, but it worked and that's good enough for me :-))
3 years ago

Amelia said:

Many thanks to the great minds who worked to solve the problem. I thought I was on my own at first and panicked.
3 years ago

Kalli replied to Amelia:

3 years ago ( translate )

HaarFager said:

Does any previous version of Firefox have a problem when logging in? I hesitate to try it myself, so that's why I ask if anybody knows the answer.
3 years ago

* ઇଓ * replied to HaarFager:

The problem with logging in due to the update to Firefox version 96.0 was solved by Firefox itself yesterday by updating to version 96.0.1. Logging in is thus possible again without problems when using the latest version and makes further testing unnecessary.
3 years ago