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Dear members and friends of ipernity,
On March 27, 2022, two mandates within the ima team will become vacant. We invite loyal and active club members to join the ima team to continue shaping the future of ipernity:
Bernhard Westrup (Bergfex), who has devoted himself to the turnaround of our community and our website during the last five years, and has been our Vice-President and Treasurer, will be embarking on his well-deserved retirement. Therefore, the next General Assembly must elect new representatives to these two mandates.
The Vice-President organises the internal and external communication and public relations. This person coordinates all activities to promote our website in appropriate media, helping to ensure that our community has a sufficient influx of new club members.
The Treasurer monitors the incoming payments and the expenditures, and manages the savings. This person can form a team with assistants for this purpose.
If you manage your own livelihood, pay for your own purchases, transfer your rent and bills on time, you will generally be able to do the same for ipernity. Just as easily, you will be able to type incoming membership fees into a cash book and renew the corresponding club memberships with existing tools. Of course, we will train you in these tools and assist you in any other way.
We invite loyal and active club members who have been part of our community for a long time and who care about the future of ipernity to come forward until February 25, 2022. This is the deadline for collecting the agenda items for this years' Ipernity General Assembly. Take this opportunity to shape ipernity's future together with us.
Please contact us now.
Your ima team
Jaap van 't Veen said:
Günter Klaus said:
Andreas M. said:
Stephan Fey said:
Armando Taborda said:
ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… replied to Armando Taborda:
raingirl replied to Armando Taborda:
If you want to mention our search for a treasurer to your contacts here - that would be a big help.
Eric Desjours replied to Armando Taborda:
Kind regards.
raingirl said:
Andreas M. replied to raingirl:
Eric Desjours replied to raingirl:
Eric Desjours replied to :
raingirl replied to :
֎ — Nicolas Mertens replied to :
Eric Desjours said:
We can do it altogether, really !
We should not think of the positions of vice-president and treasurer as ministers with all the power and responsibility! These roles can be assumed in a collegial manner: we are neither a board of directors of a big company nor a council of ministers under the control of an omnipotent president... Everyone can participate, according to their skills and availability.
Aren't there enough of us to take up the challenge, as Stefan/Kiezkickerde says?
A handful of members saved the site in 2017. The success of the adventure, although insurmountable a priori, has shown that the most difficult has been conquered. It is now only a matter of perpetuating what has been hard worked out in 5 years and to conduct a strategy already proven and perennial.
Let us all be volunteer and ipernity will live!
Nous pouvons y arriver tous ensemble.
Il ne faut pas se représenter les fonctions de vice-président et de trésorier comme celles de ministres investis de tous les pouvoirs et responsabilités ! Ces rôles peuvent être assumés de façon collégiale : nous ne sommes ni un conseil d'administration d'une grande entreprise ni un conseil des ministres sous la coupe d'un président omnipotent... Chacun peut participer, à la mesure de ses compétences et disponibilités.
Ne sommes-nous pas assez nombreux pour relever le défi, comme le dit Stefan/Kiezkickerde ??
Une poignée de membres à sauvé le site en 2017. La réussite de l'aventure, pourtant insurmontable a priori, a montré que le plus difficile a été conquis. Il ne s'agit plus que de perpétuer ce qui a été durement élaboré en 5 ans et de conduire une stratégie déjà éprouvée et pérenne.
Répondons tous présents et ipernity vivra !