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Dear members and friends of ipernity,
It is now 5 years since the former operator of this website announced the end of our beloved photo sharing platform (see announcement from December 1, 2016). Thanks to the donations of 548 loyal members and the efforts of some engaged enthusiasts, this tragedy was averted as we raised nearly $30,000 in 15 days!
Since then we paid off all inherited debts and have managed this website successfully on our own. We can be very proud of this, because there are not many examples of successful takeovers of professional websites by users. In thousands of hours of voluntary work, we eliminated most of the old weaknesses and fulfilled new wishes. The user experience has been greatly improved. It has never been as good as it is today. Apart from the known risks and some minor malfunctions, our website is currently running smoothly. Financially, too, our association stands on solid ground.
During this time, we have made photo sharing our primary focus. Even though some members left because of this, with a clearer profile, we are in a more competitive position with the other commercial photo-sharing services on the web. Thanks to all of you, the quality of the content has increased noticeably. The newly created group of ambassador pictures provides a good snapshot. In summary, we have achieved a lot in the last five years. In addition, we have come through the pandemic well compared to so many websites and organizations.
Nevertheless, we are faced with two major challenges. One, the technological platform of our website is inexorably approaching the end of its life cycle. Two, the other is to attract new club members to gain the financial means to upgrade our platform. In order to master these challenges, further efforts and voluntary commitment will be needed in the future.
My focus as your elected President is therefore on the General Assembly in three months (IGA 2022 on March 27, 2022). At this General Assembly, two mandates have to be reassigned: that of the Vice-President and that of the Treasurer (
Without a Treasurer, we will not be able to operate our website from April 2022 onwards due to statutory requirements and the fact we would have no one to pay the bills to keep the site operational and online. Without a Vice President, we would have no one for regular internal and external communication or for the continuation of the wide-ranging promotional activities that have been launched.
I therefore call on interested members to get involved. Ipernity needs you!
With this, I am addressing those who have a passion for actively shaping the future of our association as an elected member of the ima team. Please contact the ima team.
Yours sincerely
William Sutherland
Annemarie said:
really, thanks......
Then I wish you all a serene year 2022, and lets be confident we will manage it in the future.
J. Gafarot said:
Thank you for your constant presence and discrete encouragement.
And I finish with a vote of confidence in your guidance and, personnally a Very Happy 2022.
ROL/Photo said:
aimable et dévoué Président, j'ai nommé William Sutherland,
*OUI, un GRAND BRAVO à tous et en particulier à l'équipe de IMA..
pour votre implication bénévole et pécunière..!
*OUI, je comprends votre appel de candidature, (je suis trop vieux 77ans pour encore m'impliquer mais surtout je n'en ai plus la force avec les problèmes de santé que j'ai eu ces deux dernières années)
*OUI,..... parmi les anciens et les nouveaux membres, les candidatures seront au rendez/vous..!
* OUI, encore merci William.. pour ton engagement sincère, honnête et dévoué..!
J'en profite pour te souhaiter, ainsi qu'à TOUTE l'équipe d'IMA,
> que : la Santé reste avec nous, l' Espérance de jours meilleurs aussi, mais
gardons surtout la Joie de VIVRE et d'AIMER notre Nature et notre Prochain..!
avec toute ma reconnaissance.
Jaap van 't Veen said:
Wishing you and Ipernity all the best for 2022 and further years.
* ઇଓ * said:
I wish the team and all of us a happy and safe turn of the year,
as well as health and confidence for 2022 and beyond.
Gabi Lombardo said:
Walter 7.8.1956 said:
Es ist nicht Selbsvertändlich, dass in der heutigen Zeit sich Menschen noch solchen freiwilligen Augaben stellen, was meinen Dank und den Respekt noch Verstärkt!!
Ich wünsche dir und dem gesamten Team alles Gute und gute Gesundheit für das Jahr 2022!!
Mit den besten Grüssen
P.S. leider bin ich technisch nicht gut verifiziert, so dass ich keine Hilfe wäre um den Team zu Helfen! Darum viel Erfolg für die Suche nach neuen Mitstreitern!!!
Jocelyne Villoing said:
Mes meilleurs Voeux pour 2022 à toute l'équipe et à leur famille, la santé notre bien le plus précieux et tous les petits bonheurs qui embellissent chaque jour que Dieu fait.
Bien amicalement. Jocelyne.
StoneRoad2013 said:
With all good wishes for 2022.
I offer many thanks to the stalwarts of the IMA team for all their efforts behind the scenes looking after this wonderful place, especially for the tasks that aren't visible !
Plus, many thanks for all the images, interactions and friendships that everyone contributes to making this place as good as it is here.
Eunice Perkins said:
Madeleine Defawes said:
Meilleurs voeux pour 2022, joie, bonheur, santé et beaucoup de nouveaux membres.
Avec toute mon amitié.
beverley said:
Armando Taborda said:
Rainer Blankermann said:
Alles Gute für 2022. Ich hoffe, daß ihr die Schjwierigkeiten meistern könnt!
Frany said:
bizzzzzzzzzzzzzz à tous