Spell check blog article
You may have used to get spell check on your browser. For some reason it does not seem to work on ipernity blog article editor.

To enable spell check, click the 'Source' button on blog text editor toolbar before you publish the article. Do not mind about HTML code tags. Click 'Source' again after you have corrected the misspelled words underlined with red.

And if you for some reason don't already have spell check on your browser yet, then go to browser settings to get one.

On Chrome: Settings → Advanced → Languages


Stormlizard said:

Good information for those that don't have their own tranlation software.
I do, I have Babylon and translations can be checked in MS Office before publication.
6 years ago

Janet Brien said:

I actually compose my posts in another application that auto saves as I go along so I don't have to worry about losing my work. However, as I type, I get highlighted words if they aren't spelled right so this may be an issue only for people who don't have auto spell check on their computers?
6 years ago

Stormlizard replied to Janet Brien:

I frequently compose long articles in MS Word, I write the title, set Language set Spelling and Gramar and save as 'titl'.doc Word asks if it should continue to chec, I press yes or OK make it auto save exists in Word. When done I copy and past into 'Articles on Ipernity..
6 years ago

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to Janet Brien:

Or like that, of course =)
6 years ago

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to :

Yes, that is way better! I am just way too lazy to do that myself =D
6 years ago