I have noticed Google has started to do something similar, and warning users about insecure actions, like writing this on non secured web page (http). And before someone comments anything on that, please remember: Ipernity login and subscriptions use and have always used secured connection (https). So, if someone hacks me while submitting this blog article, that is no problem. I was going to publish this anyway =D
But the point is that big internet company like Microsoft now starts to play as "NewsGod", and defines what is good for the user and what is not, and that sounds like censorship to me. Okay, there really are such things like fake news and bad journalism, but if it goes to filtering entire news agencies, then that is no good!
More to read on topic:
▻ Microsoft Thought It'd Be a Good Idea to Add a 'Fake News' Tracker in the Edge Browser by Rhett Jones at GIZMODO 1/23/19
▻ "NewsGuard": Browser-App entscheidet über "glaubwürdige" oder "unglaubwürdige" News by RT Deutch
When you write an article here on ipernity blog, click the 'Source' button above the text editor. Then you may get the browser's or operating system's spell check enabled, and show you the possible spelling errors. Then click back to normal view after done with the fixes ;-)
This totally different issue and tip explained here: ▻ Spell check blog article
Lesson learned: Do not post multiple totally different topics on one article!
Stormlizard said:
And Google are closing G+ plus other things so many folk will need toget busy downloading and saving their work, photos and videos mostly.
Peggy C said:
DuckDuckGo as my browser ..
Marko Novosel said:
I also have ad blocker,i tried with duckduck go and xquick but...google knows me. ;)
Indycaver (Norm) said:
Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to Indycaver (Norm):
Gudrun said:
While I find the Fake News warning for a paper like the Daily Mail quite funny ( it does indeed consist of a great amount of fake news;-) this sort of censorship will only serve to make believers of fake news disappear into their bubble and nurse their conspiracy theories. In the end it will be extremely contraproductive and it's very worrying that in the wrong hands it can be turned against everyone of us. Big Brother....
Heidiho replied to Gudrun:
Wenn 19jährige Schüler ohne großen Aufwand hunderte Online-Accounts hacken können, darauf nun eine Welle von guten Ratschlägen hins. hack-sicherer 20stelliger Passwortverschlüsselung über uns hinflutet ... nee, da verweigert sich bei mir alles.
Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to Gudrun:
Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to :
Mehr über NewsGuard in Deutch erfahren Sie hier:
Und über die zusätzliche Beratung hier:
Gudrun replied to :
b) dass Google in Chrome vor "unsicheren" Webseiten wie z.B. Ipernity warnt
und dass das alles nach Zensur und Gängelung seitens der Webgiganten riecht.
Ich habe am Notebook den Firefox Browser und neben den von anderen Kommentatoren erwähnten Werbeblockern auch noch ein Addon, das mir erlaubt, die ganzen Tracker (dt. "Verfolger") auszuschalten. Auf manchen Seiten hat man über 20 Tracker, von Werbung, Social media bis hin zu solchen, die deine Klicks protokollieren, um dir dann maßgeschmeiderte Werbung zukommen zu lassen! Addons sind kostenlose Programme, die man in z.B. Firefox zusätzlich hinzufügen kann.
Der additional tip ist ein Hinweis, wie man auf Iper die Rechtschreibprüfung aktiviert (benütze ich eh nie;-)
Gudrun replied to :
Marko Novosel replied to :
Gudrun replied to :
German online papers (at least the broadsheets) mostly are quite serious.
You can look for articles via Google news or just mark the papers themselves as favourites.
I think everyone with a bit of a brain can easily see which sites have the fake news;-)
Marko Novosel replied to :
Journalism was never low like it is now,its unbelivable,before journalists were respected people in the community,now most of them are just pathetic,in a couple of years AI will write news.
Buzzfed,Vice,Huffpost,they all layed off people and its only start,unfortunatelly we cant trust nobody these days,they all have their agendas.
Before the only agenda was truth.
Xata said:
About keeping myself informed I look at Euronews twice a day "no judgment, no comment..." what is not a guaranty that their informations are always the truth, but at least we can hope they just release it as it was given to them.
State secrets will always be secret I guess.
I also have a look at local news but I don't pay much attention to details, just interested in mainlines.