When private becomes public
A private image turns out public if and when shared on a public group.

An example

If I share a private image on a public # NEW # group like this:


Then the image becomes also accessible to all via it's direct URL address:


For me the image Authorizations, license says "Visible by: Me only", but anyone can still open the image at that address and sees "Visible by: Certain people including you". However, that image does not appear on my timeline or albums viewed by others.

Commenting works as it is supposed to, allowing comments only for members of the group where the image is shared to.

This is not a malfunction in my opinion, because publishing an image on a public group becomes noticed and warned about properly. And sharing something somewhere publicly logically makes the image public.

UPDATE 4 March 2019:

Sharing private image in private group does not turn image URL public. It then stays private.


Ghislaine said:

Bonjour Sami

Je suis sur Ipernity depuis 2014 : celà a toujours fonctionné ainsi .

Je poste souvent des images privées (généralement en PiP) via certains groupes : cela me permet d'eviter d'alourdir ma galerie par des séries interminables .
Je ne mentionne jamais l'existence des PiP.
Je pense que lorsque quelqu'un est intéressé par une image , il doit "chercher" ... agrandir , passer en fond noir (je n'aime pas les consignes : "en plus grand" "toucheZ" etc ..)

Mais je lis tes articles méthodologiques , toujours bien construits .


J'ajoute une précision : l'image privée partagée sur un groupe devient publique au travers du groupe de publication concerné , ou des images signalées "préférées *" d'un membre d'Ipernity.
5 years ago ( translate )

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to Ghislaine:

Then please have a look on our FAQ project:


And also HowTo list:


Translations in French coming up as soon as possible. Feedback mostly welcome. And if you by any chance have a suggestion for keyword "ipernity-howto" in French, then please let me know =)

Part of the project is to inspire and motivate also others to write such articles on their own blogs, and made them easy to find like this:

5 years ago

Frank J Casella said:

Thanks for this Sami. I've not tried this yet in groups on ipernity, but I sometimes share a private image in groups when I don't want it a part of my public photos set for family or friends, and it also happens to fit a group. No worries on this, now that I know, as I don't intend to be as critical here on ipernity as I was on Flickr. Totally different vibe here ...
5 years ago

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to Frank J Casella:

Moreover, if you share a private image in private group, it then of course stays private.
5 years ago

Stormlizard said:

Yes Sami.
It has been like that since the last major change where suddenlyall roups Private orotherwise became Public.

It caused me much grief and many problems as many items where from mybusiness, others were from friends that did not wishto be seen online.

I hade to leave all groups to solve it.
5 years ago

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to Stormlizard:

I can't recall such thing. I suppose it happened before 2014 when I joined ipernity.

But there is an option to have private groups, it has been there since 2014, and for me it has worked just fine. We at ima team are using one.
5 years ago

Frank J Casella said:

One other thing I have noticed, Sami, and I don't know if this is the right thread to mention this but ... the right-click protection we have on our images does not work when we post images to our blogs. So you can right-click images in the blogs and download them. Is this known and I"m just finding this out? Thanks!
5 years ago

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to Frank J Casella:

That I have not noticed. But I would not worry about it. To figure out how to access the image URL via HTML source code or by using web developer tools is easy for anyone who really wants to download any image on internet. One could say: "what you see is what you can get".
5 years ago

Frank J Casella replied to :

Yes I agree, Sami, though you would think the protection provided for our images would carry over to the blogs. This is why I don't use WordPress or other platforms that deter this function. In other words, I use Crevado portfolio and I like how they say it: "With the built-in techniques we employ, we believe that the upsides of running an Crevado portfolio far outweigh any downsides incurred by would-be image thieves. " To read the full statement at this link, then click on 'can people steal my images?" crevado.com/faq Thank you Sami for your reply. I know this is not on the top of the list, but should still be on that list I think.
5 years ago

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to :

You are absolutely right, Frank. I'll let rest of the team know about this missing image protection on blog articles.
5 years ago

Frank J Casella replied to :

Thank you Sami for understanding. I didn't know how to properly get this to the team, so thank you for doing that as well.
5 years ago