A wonderful surprise
My son Stephen has formed a bubble group with Gemma and Arron. This meant he could have Mia for a couple of days to give them a break.
This afternoon I heard a little voice saying "Hiya greatgranddad" It was Mia of course. Stephen brought her round to see me she played in the garden while Stephen and me caught up
Although I was itching to give Mia a big hug we still have to keep social distances of course,
But that aside it was good to here her giggly laughter and to answer her endless questions. I also had a good chat with Strphen as well of course for the first time in a while.
I am dealing with the lockdown rules very well having lived alone for so long but that hour or so did give me a big boost.
Stay safe folks


Jenny McIntyre said:

Yes it was such a lovely thing for you, shame they couldn't have come tomorrow - it's your birthday after all xxx
4 years ago

Gracie said:

Ohh Happy Birthday! By the time you read this it will be here!
Always good to have the little ones around. Enjoy your day.
4 years ago

Bee Orchid said:

Happy Birthday for when it's here. I thought it was the 17th?
What a lovely visit for you. Glad you had a nice time.
4 years ago

Mickey fez said:

thanks all my birthday is Wednesday, Jenny was getting mixed up,poor old dear
4 years ago

Gracie replied to Mickey fez:

Well, then I take it back and will reissue tomorrow!l Lol!
4 years ago