The last week or so have been wonderful weather wise with walk to wall sunshine and temps in the mid 20s C
I have been having breakfast in the front garden then following the sun round and lunching in the back'
I am well on top of the gardening and having long chats with my neighbours all very nice,
Yesterday we were warned things wwre changing and sure enough we had rain overnight and showers today.
Temps have dropped by 10c and sadly I can't thrill the neighbours with a demomstration of my perfect knees,ah well later maybe.
It feels very strange wearing so many clothes after just shirt and shorts for a while.
Roll on the sunny weather again.
Keep safe folks
Gracie said:
Bee Orchid said:
I'm sure it'll pass soon, and you'll be able to get your knees out very soon.
StoneRoad2013 said:
Woke up to much cooler weather here in SW Northumberland, after overnight rain.
All I can say is that the garden needed the water, if not the accompanying cold wind.
Jenny McIntyre said:
Mickey fez said: