Poor Mickey isn't too well at the moment....
Hiya folks, just a quickie to explain why Mickey hasn't been on here for a while. His back decided to start complaining a few weeks ago, and he just couldn't get his breath from the pain. To the end- he couldn't cook for himself, or really he didn't feel hungry at all. Despite the pain, he still called me and I could see he was in a lot of pain. He also lost a lot of weight, which concerned me. Anyway to cut a long story short, he eventually went to hospital and we all worried that he might be having the return of his bowel problems, but the doctors didn't think so.

He's been back and forth these last few weeks and he had his CT scan and hopefully on Monday, he has an appointment with the Consultant, we'll know what's going on and what's going to be done to get him back to normal (not that he could ever be accused of being "normal"!!!!).

The reason why he hasn't been on the computer, is that he can't sit for any length of time without being in pain, so I thought I'd better let you all know why you haven't seen him lately. Hopefully things will sort themselves out with the hospital. Of course we are all concerned with going out and about amongst the populace. I think with the vaccines and the boosters he should be okay.

So I'll keep you in the loop, with regard to our Mickey's situation. He sends his love and will be back with us very soon.


StoneRoad2013 said:

Thanks for the update, Jenny.

I am sorry to read that Mickey isn't too good at the moment.
Please pass on my good wishes ... Hopefully, the consultant will be able to find a solution.

My OH twisted his back a few weeks back, probably by overdoing some work with floorboards.
He was finding changing from lying down to standing, and getting up from sitting down were the worst things. Only a muscle stain, I think, as that wonderful Voltarol helped and staying still for longer for a few days helped the recovery !
2 years ago

Jenny McIntyre replied to StoneRoad2013:

I just thought everyone would want to know why he's been missing lately. I'm hoping the consultant will have good news tomorrow. I feel he's going to have to have exercises to do to ease it, but he's rather down as he realises that his walking days are long gone now.
2 years ago

Bee Orchid said:

Thanks for letting us know Jenny. Please pass on my best wishes, and I hope his appointment with the consultant will go well, and they'll be able to give him some relief.
2 years ago

Jenny McIntyre replied to Bee Orchid:

Yes I certainly will Fran. I'm keeping my fingers crossed too for tomorrow. I'm hoping the result of the CT scan is okay. I don't think Mickey can cope with being told he's going to have to stop his long walks etc. He hates being kept indoors all the time, he gets cabin fever. That's where we are different, as I love being at home doing my craftwork. Let's keep our hopes up that the consultant will come up with good news.
2 years ago

Gracie said:

I had missed this post. Of course when we spoke for your birthday you had told me some of this. Poor Mick. He so hates being cabbined up as it is.
2 years ago

Jenny McIntyre replied to Gracie:

Yes he does hate being stuck indoors. He usually is walking around quite nimbly, but now he has to have a trolley to support himself when he goes out. He's really scared of falling too, so that doesn't help much. He's been to the hospital last week and had quite invasive work done, but he has to go back next week, for a biopsy. He's not too worried about it, as he said that they could have done one when they were inspecting last week if it had been that much of a worry. I hope he's right.
2 years ago

Gracie replied to :

Well we both know what we say and what really is (not worried) are 2 different things. Maybe for him its true but not my experience. Or maybe its more subconscious but no matter, biopsies are worrisome.
2 years ago

Jenny McIntyre replied to :

Yes I'm inclined to agree with you.
2 years ago