Human waste - Desperdício humano

Human waste

supple like water foam on the barracks' wall

until it tumbles in tears

splinters of cement and lime

dust we interweave in our hands.

Desperdício humano

dúctil como espuma de água no muro do quartel

até ruir em lágrimas

estilhaços de cimento e cal

pó que entretecemos nas mãos.

by Armando TABORDA, in "MANUAL DO DESPERDÍCIO", Ceres Editora, 1994

(post 1st edition, 2008; 2nd edition, 2016; 3rd edition, 2024)


Armando Taborda replied to :

...c'est le monde qui te tient...pour rien du tout...Lio...je te remercie la sagesse du commentaire et le vote...
16 years ago ( translate )

Armando Taborda said:

Thanks for fave, .t.a.o.n.!
8 years ago ( translate )

William Sutherland said:

Well said! While perfect examples of courage, in the broader picture -- a complete waste of human life and achievement. Let peoples one day discover the courage of peace.
11 months ago

Armando Taborda replied to William Sutherland:

The courage of peace means all people are at the same level, without ambition or egoism, I think it's a utopia. It's easier to make a war to impose our interests against the others.

I appreciated your comment too much, William! Thanks!
11 months ago