Bear of the city
brother of words
Friend of thoughts,

Him, he looks into the world
with clear eyes
and a false bonhomie.

And what he says
shows the original impatience:

« I want to understand, says the kid to the man!
Is there something to understand, asks the man to the kid? »

Him, my friend poet from Lisboa
Happy Birthday, Armando Taborda
Ours de la ville,
frère des mots
Ami de pensées,

Lui, il regarde le monde
avec des yeux claires
et une fausse patience.

Et ce qu'il dit
Montre l'impatience originelle:

« Je veux comprendre, dit l'enfant à l'homme!
Y a t-il quelque chose à comprendre, demande l'homme à l'enfant? »

Lui, c'est mon ami poète de Lisboa
Bon anniversaire, Armando Taborda


Urso da cidade
irmão das palavras
Amigo do pensamento,

Ele, observa o mundo
com olhos claros
e uma falsa bonomia.

Pelo que diz
Exibe a impaciência original:

« Quero entender, diz a criança ao homem!
Há algo para entender, pergunta o homem à criança? »

Ele, é o meu amigo poeta de Lisboa
Feliz aniversário, Armando Taborda

by Lionel DEYNA, 2017

(Portuguese translated by Maria da Nazaré ROCHA, 2017)

(English translated by Armando TABORDA, 2017)

(photograph taken from the "Enrollement and Attendance Book", Camões High School, by my colleague and friend Artur Luís ANTUNES - I was 13/14 years old)

(post 1st edition, 2017; 2nd edition, 2024)


Armando Taborda said:

Je te remercie le fave, Christine ****!
7 years ago ( translate )

Steve Bucknell said:

Ha! "Bear of the city" fits you perfectly Armando.A wonderful poem.
7 years ago

Armando Taborda replied to Steve Bucknell:

...but this bear never hibernates, therefore, begins to be a bit tired, Steve! :)

I love the poem just because with a few words Lionel catches my essencial character.
7 years ago

Roger (Grisly) said:

Belated Happy Birthday Armando,
we are of similar age!
10 months ago

Armando Taborda replied to Roger (Grisly):

I know! We do our best, Roger! :)
10 months ago

Ecobird said:

Words from a friend to the writer of words, and your friend sees you and knows you.
That is the lovely thing.

I am sorry for the late birthday wishes Armando.

I hope you had a wonderful day
10 months ago

Armando Taborda replied to Ecobird:

No sorry, Carol! My 82th anniversary was last month, not far away.

My French friend, Lionel, catch me rightly, I've to confess, That's me, over there.
10 months ago

Armando Taborda said:

Thanks for fave, Annemarie!
10 months ago ( translate )