we are always waiting for
the right time
the wrong person
the surprising event
the unexpected love
the sudden death
why not?
right now
in the car parking
waiting for.
estamos sempre à espera
do momento certo
da pessoa errada
do facto surpreendente
do amor imprevisto
da morte súbita
por que não?
agora mesmo
no parque de estacionamrento
à espera.

by Armando TABORDA, 2016

(post 1st edition, 2016; 2nd edition, 2018; 3rd edition, 2022; 4th edition, 2025)


Armando Taborda said:

Je te remercie le fave, Christine ****!
8 years ago ( translate )

.t.a.o.n. said:

sometimes we have to wait,
sometimes it's our fate...

for many people life is like a big waiting room for the end... every minute we have to wait for something we may use for senseful things - a positive thought, a smile for an unknown person... etc.
8 years ago

Armando Taborda replied to .t.a.o.n.:

Your assessement doesn't distract mine, Robert!

Thanks too much!
8 years ago

.t.a.o.n. replied to :

of course it doesn't distract yours, this hasn't been my purpose... ;-)
more an attachment... ;-)
8 years ago

Rita Guimaraes said:

A espera é triste, muitas vezes decepcionante, quase sempre fantasiosa.
Quero amar hoje, que não me prometam uma vida amanhã.
Tenho a urgência de me precaver contra o depois.
Futuro é um mero acaso.
Adorei, querido amigo.
8 years ago ( translate )

Armando Taborda replied to Rita Guimaraes:

...esperemos então que algo nos aconteça, Querida Rita!

8 years ago ( translate )

Armando Taborda replied to :

...already attached, Dear Robert! :)
8 years ago

Armando Taborda said:

Je te remercie le fave, Chris!
6 years ago ( translate )

Elbertinum said:

Ich erwarte nichts - aber ich wünsche mir noch das eine oder das andere -
2 years ago ( translate )

Armando Taborda replied to Elbertinum:

...desires are a sort of waiting for something, Elbert...
2 years ago