María Sánchez - El País- Uruguay HEMINGWAY afirmaba que "conocer a un hombre y conocer lo que tiene dentro de la cabeza, son asuntos distintos". Con los artistas, esto aún se complica, ya que pocas veces se escucha lo que dicen los propios creadores y demasiadas, lo que la crítica interpreta. La e…
13 years ago / 1 363 visits
With a restless vision, agile, Ariel Arias gathers, in our view, an interesting and rich panel of images especially of his birthtown Habana. His work has a very particular style which breathes the fresh air of the streets, of human presence, of alleys, markets and open spaces. REVIEWED PHOTOGRAPHY i…
13 years ago / 967 visits / 1 person likes
... an idea of composition perfectly conceived in a scene where the distant ship brings feelings of sailing far away from our common lifes... ... simple, clean and at the same time so evocative... a photograph that gives pleasure to be seen... (P.R.Baptista) REVIEWED PHOTOGRAPHY…
14 years ago / 799 visits
dull place 22 ... surrealist in its way , a surprising document (as all the serie Dull Places) about the nonsense, the empty of contemporary world ... (P.R.Baptista) original posting: 4033229/in/album/106796
14 years ago / 465 visits / 1 person likes
Barbie #3: Illusions ... an intriguing example of the capability photography has to intervene with our perceptions and, by consequence, with our emotions ... sometimes it is enough few elements and their creative mounting to surprise us ... ( P.R.Baptista) (...) une juxtaposition adroite et intr…
14 years ago / 496 visits / 1 person likes
" Move!" ...some of his photos are a constant defy to interpretation first because interpreting photography can be an almost impossible task ( some I am sure must think a waste of time) but, in this case, mostly because they send us to a different realm of perception... I must confess photos like t…
14 years ago / 678 visits / 3 comments / 1 person likes
photo "Chacun son monde" - Enrique U.M. I want to thank everyone who participated in the group REVIEWED PHOTOGRAPHY. The group currently has 26 members with 118 photos. Siegfried Vogel, Aref Nammari, Armin Fuchs and Midwesternstock have the largest number of holdings but all, like Enrique,Klimt, Sa…
14 years ago / 541 visits / 3 comments
... a questão com relação à expressão é que se muitos entenderem o que quer transmitir. ela poderá estar sendo explicita demais; mas, ao contrário, se muito poucos ou até mesmo ninguém entender, ela estará fechada em seu hermetismo ... P.R.Baptista .. la question concernant l'expression, c'est que…
14 years ago / 386 visits / 3 comments
Com esta foto de Aref Namari , FOTOGRAFIA REVISTA completou 100 contribuições dos membros do ipernity. Mesmo que nosso objetivo não seja quantidade, mas qualidade, o fato é significativo. Temos agora uma segunda fase, quando as fotos já recebidas e aquelea que virão serão objecto de renovada reflexã…
14 years ago / 650 visits / 1 comment
Sara Facio es una de las grandes fotógrafas de Argentina. Su lente retrató a grandes personalidades como Julio Cortázar, María Elena Walsh, Pablo Neruda, Astor Piazzolla y Ernesto Sábato. Cuenta que Buenos Aires fue cambiando sus colores a partir del vestuario de su gente. En entrevista al periodic…
14 years ago / 956 visits / 2 comments / 2 people like
Paratextual Profusion: Photography and Text in Bertolt Brecht’s War Primer by J. J. Long Read more...
15 years ago / 509 visits
... "Dentro deste pensamento apenas a arte avessa ao consumo e rejeitada como são rejeitados os "produtos" da periferia, os produtos "sem marca",poderia ser a arte pela qual pudesse valer a pena o artista debater-se" ... Leia mais ( read more)
15 years ago / 504 visits
.. "Little by little it is becoming possible to constitute a Reviewed Photography Gallery" ... (Read more)
15 years ago / 521 visits / 1 comment
Erudite Cláudio Santoro (1919–1989) "Carobamdé" - Qo&feature=related Música Popular Brasileira ( MPB) Antes da Bossa Nova ( before Bossa Nova) "Brasileirinho" - ck&feature=related Altamiro Carrilho tocando Pixinguinha…
15 years ago / 613 visits / 1 comment / 1 person likes
"Carinhoso" (Pixinguinha/Braguinha) : WpQ&feature=related "Chôro do Rio" : vs&feature=related "Pelo Telefone" : YA&feature=related Chorinho música brasileira :…
15 years ago / 365 visits