unfinished business
A few years ago I started to build a website with Adobe Portfolio
at colinashcroft.myportfolio.com/

I never viewed this first attempt again until today, 2 years later.

Looking back and I rarely seem to look back, it included some of my better photos.

It proves it is worth reviewing old photos.


Peggy C said:

Definitely worth a look [ or two ] looking back.
Beautiful photos, Colin.
Will be back to see them all.

3 years ago

Trevor King said:

Some great shots on there Colin, will you be adding more now that you have rediscovered it? It can be quite eye opening going back and looking through old photos. I think I was more experimental when I look back at mine.
3 years ago

Colin Ashcroft replied to Trevor King:

I’m going to have to wait for some inspiration. I have no doubt I took better photographs in some previous years. I have been looking at photographs I chose for calendars over the years and that shows up the difference very clearly. 2013 was a vintage year :-)
3 years ago