Beam me up Scottie!!!! I need some fresh air!!
Well I do wonder why the "powers that be" think it'll be a good idea to send all the patients with not just heart problems, but also problems of another kind to my ward!! They don't know who they are, and in the case of the new resident last night, doesn't know why they're here, or even where "here" is!!!! The lady to my right is talking to someone - she keeps on calling out to "stop it" and "please take it off" "close to me" - ?????????????

I didn't have to shoot the lady who kept calling out to the staff, she was sent home. So in a way that meant I'd have peace and quiet after she went - er no!!!!! They brought in the lady who keeps spelling words, telling someone to stop it and to take it off. Then she talks about preparing a meal with someone!!! I wouldn't mind so much, but she shouts it out in the middle of the night.

As for the lady brought in last night - she'd had a fall and had cracked her head. The doctors discovered she'd got a weak heart, so brought her up to our ward. Well she woke up - not knowing who she was or why she was here.By 11pm she was determined to go home, but she assumed she was in a hotel and threatened to report them for not allowing her to go home. Despite the gentle words of Stewart (the nurse) who was trying to explain she'd fallen and had been brought in, in an ambulance, she was shouting out that she was never going to come here again, and apparently it wasn't fair to do this to an old woman. Well eventually another nurse had to intervene and take her out into a spare room to calm down. She's okay today - she said she had an accident and that's why she was here.

So a wonderful night was had by all - I'm so glad I brought in my "ThinkPad", because I was able to play a few games to cover all the noise. I was going to write all this last night as it happened, but the lights were off and I couldn't type as quickly as they were talking!!

I hope everyone is well, staying away from each other to get this virus under control. Please stay safe


Mickey fez said:

I think you attract nut cases,maybe they recognise one of their own kind
3 years ago

Jenny McIntyre replied to Mickey fez:

If it wasn't infront of everyone here - I'd soon tell you what to do!!!!! They do seem to home in on me. I am rather concerned about the lady next to me though - she seems to have had a really rough time growing up - so sad.
3 years ago

Janet Brien said:

Wow, Jenny, such boisterous neighbors! What a shame for them and you! It must be a little bit alarming to be so close to crazy. :(

It was very interesting to read your post, what a busy ward. I hope you get to go home soon! Thanks for the pictures though, the views are great!

I just got a filling replaced at my dentist and am in the empty waiting room while Steve gets his teeth cleaned. Yay he's done! I'll check in with you later! You're in my thoughts! :)
3 years ago

Jenny McIntyre replied to Janet Brien:

Oh I need to visit my dentist, but they are only doing urgent ones at the moment. I'll end up with about 2 fillings and maybe an extraction!!

I'm very laid back as you know, Janet - I'm just letting it wash over me!!!
3 years ago

Gracie said:

Oh yes having room mates in hospital can be either a blessing or curse! Either good company or someone less than pleasant.. Soon though you should be going home. Then finally you will have peace again. And once you've gotten home I will be chatting with you...
3 years ago

Jenny McIntyre replied to Gracie:

I thought you said I'd have some peace again!!!!! LOL Oh it's really sad listening to the lady talking about what happened. She's been talking for almost 48 hours now - she talks in different voices, when she was a child, later on grown up and now. I swear she is trying to re-live it all. Such a shame.
3 years ago

Bee Orchid said:

I've been a ward similar to that, a number of years ago. They played roulette with the beds, often moving patients in or out in the dead of night. Hospitals are notorious for being noisy, and are not conducive to a good night's sleep. Hope you're well enough, very soon, to go home and at least get some peace and quiet and a good rest.
3 years ago

Jenny McIntyre replied to Bee Orchid:

Oh the nurses keep changing the beds onto other wards - some have gone next door, it's ridiculous. Why don't they move the newer patients onto those wards?
3 years ago

Maeluk said:

I think the amount of covid cases mean there's a lack of space for other patients. I am not surprised that you have patients with difficulties coming into your ward Jenny. Hopefully, they will wanting bed space and will let you out asap. In the mean time at least you do have a way to enjoy yourself with that thinkpad.
3 years ago

Jenny McIntyre replied to Maeluk:

Well apparently there are only 4 people in this hospital with COVID19, but not just that - pneumonia really. They are kept totally isolated from everybody else. So it's amazing how diligent people and staff are behaving to keep the rest of the hospital clean and virus free - thank heavens. No the reason they put them in this ward, is because they have to be near staff and their station. They are being watched 24/7, me too I suppose. Well I have to have two more procedures done tomorrow, then hopefully will be sent home!!! I don't know how I would have managed without this thinkpad.
3 years ago

Valfal said:

Oh goodness, why is it when you need rest the most, you get none?! Unfortunately that seems to be the way of hospitals. I never got a good night sleep whenever I had to stay in one. I hope and pray you can go home very soon!!
3 years ago