Now to bore you with apple blossom!!!!!!!
Well yesterday was a very busy day for me - as you might have gathered, having Emily here being an angel and cutting my grass for me, but also the fact that I wandered around the garden - well the top bit really. I do apologise for me wittering on about the blossom, but as I don't get out and about - I have to wax lyrical about what I see!!!!

I showed you all the bluebells I have on my driveway - and I was blown away, as I'm sure you gathered, by the amount of them - but I didn't show you what I was able to see after Emily had cut my grass and I was able to access the top lawn. Now this is where nearly all the different blossoms occur in the Spring and it's a view of a lifetime from my lounge.

I mean - just look at them - they're just starting to flower - about 3 days now and they look so pretty. The white lilac has a great scent - sort of vanilla or white lilac!!!!!

I have about 7 white lilacs, 5 dark purple and absolutely loads of pale purple lilacs all told. The white is the only one that actually smells quite strong.

Next to this white lilac is the apple tree.....

There is still loads of blossom to come out and I must say - this year seems to be a bumper year for the blossom.

Just underneath the apple tree, I noticed these strange reed-like plants. I don't know what they are - maybe someone can tell me....

While I was sitting down on the bench, Pippin joined me and I managed to get a couple of photos before he noticed and then did his head or body turn around!!!

Then he noticed what I was doing and he promptly did this!!!!

He's so daft - why he's so anti photo-taking I just don't know. His predecessor, Roxy, was the complete opposite - he'd be quite miffed if I didn't take a picture of him while I was taking photographs!!!

On my way back into the house I passed the pot that held the only plants I've actually planted (about 6 years ago) - the two tulips....

They'd gone over, as they say - but funnily enough I prefer it when they look like this. I think I may have to go and get some petunias, but bearing in mind I'll be away for 5 weeks in the hot weather - it's probably not a sensible idea!!!!

This morning - it was gorgeously warm, with blue sky and not a cloud in sight. Time for a wash of my bedding which Emily had changed for me yesterday. I decided that I would hang the duvet covers and the bottom sheet on the line to dry. Now I'm not clever on my feet and having to stand unaided to put the covers on the line, required a lot of steadying of my brain and planting my feet apart to give me more balance. That would have been fine, if the line hadn't decided to break and it brought the whole washing line down. It had been tied down to the trees in the driveway, but it looked as if the line itself had snapped. So that was a bit of a drag. I remembered that I had those clothes horse thingys so I brought them out and the covers were put over these clothes horses and hopefully the sheets etc will dry beautifully in the sun.

Okay folks, I'll wish you all again, a very happy Easter. I'm sorry if I've bored you with all my blossom pictures, but just wait until I go on holiday!!!!


Gracie said:

Never bored with pretty flowers.. I have to.say Jenny, its so pretty outside your windows its a view hard to beat .The smell also must be lovely. You'll have to look hard to find such a view if you move to Turkey!
5 years ago

Jenny McIntyre replied to Gracie:

I'm so pleased Gracie - I do sometimes wonder if I put too many pictures of my flowers up. Where Mandi lives, the flowers are gorgeous and they do smell sweet too - well the ones that smell of vanilla do.

I hope you are feeling better now, and that you are healing. I know what it's like to have your insides moved about and the soreness and tenderness do stay around for a very long time. Have a great Easter. Hugs xxxx
5 years ago

Bee Orchid said:

Beautiful photos. Just wish we could smell them too. I love lilac trees; so pretty, and such a heavenly scent.
Shame about the line. Hope you managed to get the laundry dried in the end.
Very warm and sunny here too.
Love those tulips, so unusual.
5 years ago

Jenny McIntyre replied to Bee Orchid:

Yes the lilac trees do smell great - the pale purple does a bit, but the dark purple not so much. I was really surprised at how the bedding dried beautifully on the clothes horses - until I get someone to kindly put the washing line - well a new one anyway - I'll continue to use the clothes horse outside. If it's windy I'll just have to use the pegs to hold them down, instead of up!!! Yes it was gorgeously warm and sunny here too.
5 years ago

Stormlizard said:

Yes Jenny, you have a lot of flowers in the trees.
5 years ago

Jenny McIntyre replied to Stormlizard:

I'm so pleased that I have them John, I just wish they lasted longer. I noticed that the laburnam was starting to bud and the dark and pale lilac are also starting to flower.
5 years ago

Mickey fez said:

you have an amazing range of colours and it's not even May
5 years ago

Jenny McIntyre replied to Mickey fez:

I know and I'm absolutely delighted!!!
5 years ago

Pat Del said:

C'est un plaisir , Jenny, de pouvoir admirer ces arbustes en fleurs. Porter son regard sur la nature est une démarche tellement réconfortante !
... et Pippin savoure aussi ces moments heureux (!)
5 years ago ( translate )

Jenny McIntyre replied to Pat Del:

Oh merci Pat - oui, j'aime aussi regarder les photos des gens - j'ai vu tellement de régions du monde que je n'aurais jamais vues de mon vivant, mais je peux maintenant les voir à travers les yeux des autres. Étourdissant. Quant à Pippin - il aime ça quand je fais autre chose - et sortir dans le jardin est différent à ses yeux !! Il me suit partout pour vérifier que je ne vais pas sans lui !! Il adore ça - mais quand la caméra sort - non - il ne veut pas jouer !!
5 years ago ( translate )