
International Tragedy (Internet Photo)

The utter shame of America before the whole free world.
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William Sutherland said:

Phenomenal composition!

Admired in:
8 years ago ( translate )

Pam J said:

Please remember..MILLIONS of us did NOT vote for him.

In fact the majority popular vote was for her. The Electoral College assign votes here.. it is an oligarcy not a democracy. The word democracy was wrongly used by Franklin D Roosevelt.

So... MILLIONS of us are also sickened.. but NOT ashamed

This INTERNET picture showed sadness.. not shame
8 years ago

TigerHead said:

The Christian evangelicals would have voted for Hitler himself had he a late-term abortion ban and a pro-gun measure in his platform. This is cause for shame of the most ignominious kind.
8 years ago

Pam J replied to TigerHead:

AND... MILLIONS did NOT vote for the slimeball he is.. so do NOT brand THEM and do NOT consider you have the right to put shame on those people who stood up against the him and his to be counted and you do not know .... .... Thankyou
8 years ago

yokopakumayoko Franc… said:

Excellent work!

Admired in:
The Human Condition.
8 years ago ( translate )

Don Sutherland said:

Powerful composition.
8 years ago ( translate )

TigerHead replied to Pam J:

I voted against him also, Pam. That does not exonerate me from bearing shame for the fascist, racist state our nation has become. Our job now is to turn our anger, shame (if applicable), remorse if applicable, and outrage into meaningful action. Still - in my opinion, we owe an ENORMOUS apology to the world for what we have allowed to happen.
8 years ago

Diana Australis said:

Beyond words to express any more....disgraceful. He makes me feel ill. And I don't live there
8 years ago

Berny replied to TigerHead:

Shame on him and his gang, yes. But many of the people, who voted for him, didn't expect what will come, many even had no chance for a proper education so they could understand what's going on. Indoctrinated from the birth on for nationalism, capitalism and religion, a great combination to bring such people like Trump to power. I would say shame on all humans, who are able to develop the highest level of technical inventions, but who are not able to share this wonderful world and live together in peace and freedom. We need a system change, a new revolution will come.
8 years ago

autofantasia said:

Just how I felt when I heard "The Donald" was suggesting the UK appoint Nigel Farage as our ambassador to the US! ;)
8 years ago

Peter Van Lom said:

Much of what is happening in european and american politics is course for concern. Right wing is getting stronger in f.eks. Holland and France too. Why? Sosial different is getting bigger. We need to start thinking equality and not survival of the fittest.....
8 years ago

TigerHead said:

Thank you, Morley. Each potential cabinet appointment is a new horror to process. Within the transition "team", however, knife fights are rampant. We have no idea who will survive to inauguration. Once we know for sure who is who, we'll be better able to turn our outrage into meaningful action.
8 years ago

arts enthusiast said:

TigerHead, I agree completely. I still feel a sense of shock, outrage, and dread. I'm exhausted from attending so many rallies, protests, writing and calling my senators and representatives, and spend far more time than normal reading news reports. I'm from Utah, so I have way more to apologize to the world for (Jason Chaffetz: he's from a different district, and only gets elected because of gerrymandering, but still; so many from my state are horrified by his actions and spineless refusal to investigate DJT's conflicts of interest; he's self-serving and puts party over the desires of his constituency).
8 years ago

Nora Caracci said:

I was shocked by this event ...
7 years ago