
cp_u - 2025


Our long time club member, Claus-peter (cp_u), passed away in January 2025. A family man who loved Italy, good wine, music and life, he took the time to help insure that ipernity became the member owned association we have today.

He was part of the group of people who helped form the ipernity members association thus insuring our website continued as a member owned community. An intelligent, open-minded person, Claus-peter was always fair and allowed all opinions to be heard. He valued friendship, which he showed in all his interactions on ipernity.

Claus-peter was a traveler who shared his findings with us here. He was active in many ipernity groups including administering HWW - Happy Wall Wednesday and HFF - Happy Fence Friday. Enjoying city and nature alike, his varied images delighted us.

cp u - The Eye of the Bridge is the moon - HFF!
The Eye of the Bridge is the moon - HFF!

Cp u - Perditi!

cp u - HFF!

cp u - Sydney Bay View 1
Sydney Bay View 1
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Tanja - Loughcrew said:

So traurig, ihn hier auf der Memoria-Seite zu sehen…und doch so gut, dass es diese Seite gibt, auf der uns Claus-Peters Lächeln wärmt..
Er fehlt als Freund, als Zuhörer und Erzähler…er fehlt als Quatschkopf, als „Klampfentoni“ als
gerechtigkeitsliebender und hilfsbereiter Teil unserer Zoiglgruppe und für seine Frau und Familie fehlt er als Ehemann, Vater, Opa…
Claus-Peter…wenn ich an Dich denke, dann muss ich lächeln, denn das hast Du immer geschafft!
Ruhe in Frieden!
Meine Gedanken sind bei Deiner Frau und Deiner Familie und allen, die Dich schmerzhaft vermissen….
6 weeks ago ( translate )

Boarischa Krautmo said:

Tanja hat eh schon alles gesagt - besser als ich es könnte.
6 weeks ago ( translate )

uwschu said:

Mein herzliches Mitgefühl seiner Familie und seinen Liebsten!
6 weeks ago ( translate )

* ઇଓ * said:

I am at a loss for words. :(
My deepest condolences to his family.
I wish his friends and loved ones strength and comfort in their grief.
5 weeks ago

Percy Schramm said:

Es war eine trauriger Moment, als die Todesnachricht kam. Es ist schade, dass ich Dich nicht mehr kennen lernen konnte. Vielen Dank, dass Du Dich so für ipernity eingesetzt hast, cp_u ! Ansonsten kann ich mich nur den wunderbaren Worten von Tanja anschließen.
Mein Mitgefühl gehört Deinen Angehörigen.
5 weeks ago ( translate )

Adele said:

Dear Claus-Peter,
may you rest in peace.
Your smile and your kindness will not be forgotten.
My deepest condolences to your family.
5 weeks ago

@ngélique ❤️ said:

Oh non c'est pas vrai je l'ai vu il n"y a pas longtemps pourtant , je suis consternée d'apprendre cette nouvelle et encore un qui nous QUITTE encore j'ai du mal à y croire tout le monde part les uns après les autres , il était tellement gentil je ne sais quoi dire ! tu vas me manquer mon ami !
mes sincères condoléances à ta famille ! repose en paix mon ami !
5 weeks ago ( translate )

Valeriane ♫ ♫ ♫¨* said:

oh ! je ne le connaissais pas mais c'est triste encore de perdre un de nos iperniticiens !
Condoléances à sa famille et mes regrets♫
5 weeks ago ( translate )

Claude said:

Condoléances à la famille ....
5 weeks ago ( translate )

Nora Caracci said:

R.I.P mon ami ...
mes condoléances à la famille ...
5 weeks ago ( translate )

Christa1004 said:

C'est si triste de lire qu'un autre de nos amis d'Ipernity nous a quitté. Il était un de mes contacts, et je suis très contente de l'avoir connu. Toutes mes condoléances à sa famille, et repose en paix, Claus-Peter.
5 weeks ago ( translate )

Eric Desjours said:

Une très triste nouvelle en ce mois de janvier déjà endeuillé...
J'agrée totalement à l'hommage que vous lui rendez. Ayant eu l'occasion de travailler une bonne année avec lui lors de la fondation de l'IMA, je témoigne que c'était un homme au coeur d'or et, bien qu'assis sur des compétences et une vision solides, toujours ouvert à la discussion constructive.

Les très belles photos de tes voyages ainsi que tes commentaires toujours affables fondent le souvenir chaleureux que nous garderons de toi, cher ami, cher Claus-Peter.
5 weeks ago ( translate )

William Sutherland said:

This is shocking. I'm heartbroken to say the least. Claus Peter and his family are in my prayers. Two great people lost in such a short time. :( CP_U was a monumental figure here at Ipernity and contributed so much in helping make the buyout of Ipernity S.A. possible to save the site. He played a significant and critical part. He was among the few who I can say without his help, we wouldn't have a site today. His absence will be forever felt. It was an honor to collaborate and work with him. Enjoy eternity as I know you still live.
5 weeks ago

Steve Paxton said:

I just cant believe in this year has not even started here we have lost two long time members. A few PM sent to answer some of his question just does not seem right but he will be missed . You only have to read above so see just how he will be missed. All the very best to his family as I know they will have a big hole in there life. From the Bottom of the world my deepest sympathy and regards to a friend now Lost.
5 weeks ago

Herb Riddle said:

Another star has gone from our sky! A genuine nice fellow member who knew how to take good photos and make friendly worthwhile comments. Claus-peter we will miss you.

My condolences go out to your family and friends.
5 weeks ago