
Blooming Bushes line nearly all country roads

For this, I don't know the reason but nearly everywhere I drove, the side of the roads were full of these colorful blooming bushes. Typically white and some in blue.
In some areas, you have alleys or alamedas with tall trees covering the top of the road and again bushes and wall lining the side.



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cammino said:

Beautifully decorated road sides!
5 years ago ( translate )

Stargazer95050 replied to cammino:

Later, I saw an example how those bushes are manually planted. In one place, there were hatchlings along the road, ~30cm tall and planted approx 1.5m apart. This is very deliberate.

Still, I don't know WHY -- crews are planting and maintaining these hedges and it requires a lot of work. IMO There must be some other reason than just looking pretty.
5 years ago