
Suddenly everything is in bloom due to the Sahara at our doorstep with unusual winds reaching a heat peak of 24°C. Never observed before

March showers, April grllls with capricious Spring weather
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Don Sutherland said:

Wonderful overhanging blossoms.
2 months ago

photosofghosts said:

Unfortunately, a cold wave later arrived from the north which brought us back to the middle of winter... the photo, however, is very beautiful with the flowering branches in the foreground and the background out of focus.
Nice Sunday
2 months ago

sea-herdorf said:

Die Blüten läuten den Frühling ein, Sonia.
Sehr schöne Bildgestaltung.
Freundliche Grüße und ein schönes Wochenende
2 months ago ( translate )

Malik Raoulda said:

D'une beauté phénomènale et ravissante joliment partagée.
Bonne et heureuse fin de soirée paisible.
2 months ago ( translate )

Joe, Son of the Rock said:

These beautiful blossoms stand out very well from the blurred background. Great technique! Have a great Sunday, All the best, Joe
2 months ago

Jaap van 't Veen said:

Mooie voorjaarsbloesem.
2 months ago ( translate )

Nouchetdu38 said:

Jolie fleurs avec cet arrière-plan flouté qui ressemble à un tableau d'un maître flamand: un très bel ensemble!!!!!!
Bravo Sonia!
bon dimanche****
2 months ago ( translate )