
Game to die for...

Contribution for the Macro Dreams challenge: "Iacta alea est"

Rework based on feedback received from Luc and Ghislaine. Snapseed version I got on my new Android, seem to have a feature to repeat the previous editing. There has always been also an option to save some edits, which I should now start to use more often. Although, it is usually better to keep on doing something new, than to stuck on something old.

The strange "boxing" is caused by heavy HDR effect and JPEG interpolation.
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Ghislaine said:

Cette image fonctionne encore mieux que la précédente dont elle est issue...
3 years ago ( translate )

Au Cœur... diagonalh… said:

'Heavy' he said !
I love your pixel cookin' - - - shear madness but so delightful... ;-)
3 years ago