
71000 Duke of Gloucester

Seen clagging well on leaving Birmingham International station with a BBC "Children in Need" special from Euston to Manchester Vic with class 47 47768 'Resonant' behind the loco as insurance. November 1995

A scan from my Agfachrome slide then a mono conversion as a result of a prompt by fratton parker

Since I quietly posted this unobtrusive image, Norbert has designated it a fence photo, so HFF!

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Loose_Grip/Pete said:

A volcanic departure! Great stuff. I had the great pleasure and privilege to fire (and drive a bit) the Duke when he visited the GCR in 2010.
8 years ago

Polyrus replied to Loose_Grip/Pete:

Many thanks for your input, Pete. I first posted a colour version over on the dark side this morning and I have received a comment akin to yours, "Looks like Vesuvius erupting" ;-)
The experience of seeing such events never leaves the memory bank as the vision, sound and smell gets recorded in different places.
If I could travel on the footplate of any loco from the preserved collection, my preference would be for the Duke.
8 years ago

Pam J said:

Ditto... what can I say... THAT Smoke !!!
8 years ago

Polyrus replied to Pam J:

It's not all smoke as you know, Pam. There is a fair amount of steam leakage in there too and right up your street.
8 years ago

Gudrun said:

Wow, that's a lot of smoke:-)
8 years ago

Polyrus replied to Gudrun:

A pity that stitching photos was not a common practice at that time or I could have added the upper half to this photo ;-) Re the previous comment, HFF to you and yours, Gudrun.
8 years ago

GoSloMo said:

Oh - the wonderful days of steam - I loved traveling by train then. Thanks for the memories. HFF
8 years ago

Polyrus replied to GoSloMo:

Thank you, Helen. I find it hard to believe that most people do not have experience of travelling by such means. HFF!
8 years ago

HappySnapper said:

A lot of huff and puff there.
8 years ago

Polyrus replied to HappySnapper:

You are still the master of understatement, Maurice ;-)
8 years ago

Gudrun replied to Polyrus:

Same to you, Neil!
8 years ago

Tanja - Loughcrew said:

HFF Neil....a lot of steam and power ;)
Let´s make it like this!
8 years ago

Polyrus replied to Tanja - Loughcrew:

We all have our dreams, Tanja ;-))

HFF to you too.
8 years ago

Dida From Augsburg said:

Under full steam into the weekend! ;-D

HFF, Neil!
8 years ago

Keith Burton said:

Smashing composition - I especially like the portrait orientation, which meant you could get most of the smoke in shot. Excellent Neil..!!
8 years ago