
COLIAS CROCEA Colias crocea

Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Lepidoptera
Family: Pieridae
Genus: Colias
Species: C. croceus
Binomial name
Colias croceus
(Geoffroy, 1785)
Colias crocea
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yokopakumayoko Franc… said:

8 years ago ( translate )

Helena Ferreira said:

Absolutely perfect!
8 years ago ( translate )

Edward Bowthorpe said:

8 years ago ( translate )

Ulrich John said:

Sehr, sehr schön ! Wish you a very nice Sunday !
8 years ago ( translate )

Marie-claire Gallet said:

MERCI pour ce rayon de soleil, Francesco !!!
8 years ago ( translate )

Nora Caracci said:

deliziosa cattura, adorabile sofficità !
ciao !
8 years ago ( translate )

Roger (Grisly) said:

Terrific macro.
8 years ago ( translate )

William Sutherland said:

Beautiful capture! Love the background fly!
8 years ago

Dave Roberts 2014 said:

A beautiful butterfly, brilliant colour.

Admired in:
**International Photo Gallery**

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8 years ago ( translate )

Christiane ♥.•*¨`*•✿ said:

Wonderful capture !
This yellow photograph is really splendid, Francesco ! ****
Have a nice new week, dear friend.
8 years ago ( translate )

Pam J said:

Beautiful !

A new one for me ! They are similar to our Sulphurs !
8 years ago

Eunice Perkins said:

A matching pair! Great shot.
8 years ago

Dave Hilditch said:

Beautiful sunshine colour in this lovely close-up.
8 years ago

Horizon 36 said:

Great capture....and so yellow....well done Francesco.
8 years ago ( translate )