
The river overflows under the bridge - HFF.

The Pritz Bridge was built in 1995 as part of the construction of the Laval bypass. It crosses the River Mayenne and is one of five bridges in Laval that are open to traffic. It is crossed daily by more than 30000 vehicles, including 3000 lorries.

LA RIVIÈRE DÉBORDE SOUS LE PONT. Le pont de Pritz a été édifié lors de l'établissement de la rocade de Laval en 1995. Il traverse la rivière Mayenne et c'est l'un des cinq ponts lavallois ouverts à la circulation. Plus de 30000 véhicules, dont 3000 poids lourds, le franchissent chaque jour.

DER FLUSS TRITT ÜBER DIE UFER UNTER DER BRÜCKE. Die Brücke von Pritz wurde 1995 im Zuge der Errichtung der Umgehungsstrasse von Laval errichtet. Sie überquert den Fluss Mayenne und ist eine von fünf Brücken in Laval, die für den Verkehr geöffnet sind. Sie wird täglich von mehr als 30000 Fahrzeugen überquert, darunter 3000 LKWs.

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Roger Bennion said:

I must be getting better 'cos I am the first to comment here and I posted my photo around midnight :-)))
An impressive bridge well captured. Very much like the reflections in the PiP photo too.
HFF and have a lovely weekend, Christa.
5 weeks ago

Christa1004 replied to Roger Bennion:

Thanks Roger, oh yes, you definitely improved your score;-))
It was really impressive that day, the towpath was completely flooded. I wish you a nice (and dry) weekend ☼☼
5 weeks ago

David G Johnson said:

Dang it !! I just missed out on being first :-) // I put in the co-ordinates and can take a lovely sunny 'street view' drive across the bridge, looks beautiful.. // A HFF to you Christa - from > Dj.
5 weeks ago

Christa1004 replied to David G Johnson:

Thanks David, don't be sad;-))) You were the first under my other today's photo... And glad you found the place on "street view". Have a nice weekend.
5 weeks ago

Gillian Everett said:

Great views of the bridge, especially underneath.
5 weeks ago

LotharW said:

Stark frequentierte Brücke. PiP 1 ist mein Fav! HFF, Christa. Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes und sonniges Wochenende! Bleib gesund.
5 weeks ago ( translate )

PascalL said:

superbes vues du Pont de Pritz, la Mayenne a bien débordée, bonne journée
5 weeks ago ( translate )

Falk Preusche said:

Die muss schon was aushalten. HFF, Christa!
5 weeks ago ( translate )

Madeleine Defawes said:

Superbes images du pont et des inondations !
HFF Christa
5 weeks ago ( translate )

Loose_Grip/Pete said:

3 great pics, the first PiP in particular.
HFF Christa. Enjoy the weekend to come.
5 weeks ago

Jaap van 't Veen said:

Gorgeous light.
5 weeks ago

Edna Edenkoben said:

Hach, mal wieder eine tolle Brückenkonstruktion. Die Franzosen lieben ihre aussergewöhnlichen Brücken ebenso wie die aussergewöhnlichen "Häuschen" an den Aires ;-))

HFF und ein schönes Wochenende, Christa!
5 weeks ago ( translate )

tiabunna said:

Lovely images and an impressive bridge, Christa. HFF and have a great weekend.
5 weeks ago

Franck Chabal said:

Comment dire... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
HFF Christa!
5 weeks ago ( translate )

Xata said:

HFF Christa.
5 weeks ago ( translate )