
Top fences - HFF

Lots to see on the roof of the town hall...

CLÔTURES HAUTES - plein de choses à voir sur le toit de la mairie...

OBERZÄUNE - viel zu sehen auf dem Dach des Rathauses...

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Roger Bennion said:

Finely detailed photos. Such beautiful light here. Great colours too.
HFF and have a lovely weekend, Christa.
2 months ago

Dimas Sequeira said:

Détails magnifiques en haut de la mairie! HFF, Christa!
2 months ago ( translate )

Malik Raoulda said:

Impeccable et excellemment partagée avec cette magnifique ombre projetée.
HFF et agréable fin de semaine paisible et salutaire.
2 months ago ( translate )

PascalL said:

jolie vue
2 months ago ( translate )

Max Biobauer said:

Der Rat zeigt was er hat. HFF
2 months ago

Madeleine Defawes said:

Superbes images !
HFF et Bon weekend. Amitiés
2 months ago ( translate )

Jaap van 't Veen said:

Beautiful composition Christa.
2 months ago ( translate )

David Slater (Spodde… said:

I like the shadows Christa. Great photo. HFF and happy weekend.
2 months ago

Fred Fouarge said:

HFF--en interessante Toeter-Claxon op de klok Christa----mooi weekend
2 months ago ( translate )

Loose_Grip/Pete said:

Love the shadows!
HFF Christa. Enjoy the weekend.
2 months ago

Stephan Fey said:

HFF, Christa!
2 months ago ( translate )

Xata said:

Love the shafow of the … (I know what they are but not how to call them in English)…on the stone wall.
HFF Christa
2 months ago

Edna Edenkoben said:

Hab erst schnell schauen müssen, aber der Titel hat's ja verraten ;-)
HFF und ein frohes Frühlingswochenende, Christa!
2 months ago ( translate )

Ecobird said:

Beautifully detailed fences Christa. Lovely light and two very attractive images. Well captured.

HFF and have a good weekend
2 months ago

Boarischa Krautmo said:

HFF und ein schönes Wochenende!
2 months ago ( translate )