
Cherchez l'intrus ! *** Find the intruder ! (:o))

D'après une photo de ma fille.
Cette petite Lila va décidément toutes les trouver ! (:o))

From one of my daughter's photos.
This little Lila will definitely find all the possible tricks ! (:o))
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Julien Rappaport said:

Un intrus .....................................................je ne vois pas !
3 years ago ( translate )

Dominique 60 said:

je dirais , le petit noir à droite ..... trop marrant !!
bonne semaine christiane . bisous
3 years ago ( translate )

Joe, Son of the Rock said:

Tu as capturé un moment merveilleux. Bonne semaine. Amitiés, Joe
3 years ago ( translate )

Malik Raoulda said:

D'une beauté remarquable.. Grande originalité.. Bonne semaine.
3 years ago ( translate )

Jaap van 't Veen said:

Well done by your daughter !!
3 years ago

neira-Dan said:

très bien !!
3 years ago ( translate )

Anto & Pier said:

Bellissimi foto e titolo. Bravo!
Buona giornata, Anto & Pier
3 years ago ( translate )

* ઇઉ * said:

Congratulations to the photographer for this very successful picture! :)))
3 years ago

Ulrich John said:

Found him ! A very nice trio, Christiane ! Have a good week ahead !
3 years ago

Hansruedi Voegele said:

Sehr schön Christiane!
3 years ago ( translate )

cammino said:

Funny scene!
3 years ago ( translate )

Hélène Lombard said:

Jolie composition !!
3 years ago ( translate )

Boro said:

Je cherche !!! Je cherche ;o)) Jolie compo !!
3 years ago

Nicole Merdrignac said:

Très belle composition. Nicole. Bonne soiréee.
3 years ago ( translate )

Roger (Grisly) said:

Beautiful composition and a lovely capture Christiane,
Have a nice week
3 years ago