Captured at Loch Suardal. As we are nearing the Christmas season I thought I would like to share this picture with the wooden fence below the a lone Christmas tree.
I have added Kelly Clarkson's 'Underneath the Tree'
Annemarie said:
HFF and peaceful weekend:)
Ecobird replied to Annemarie:
HFF and have a wonderful weekend
Stephan Fey said:
Ecobird replied to Stephan Fey:
HFF and have a great weekend
Gudrun said:
Ulrich John said:
Roger (Grisly) said:
Love the tree, and I haven't heard Kelly Clarkson since yesterday ;-))
HFF and a great weekend
Andrea Ertl said:
HFF, liebe Carol.
Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende.
Jocelyne Villoing said:
HFF Carol et un joli WE ensoleillé.
Walter 7.8.1956 said:
Jaap van 't Veen said:
HappyFF and enjoy your weekendRosalyn Hilborne said:
HFF and a good weekend.
Xata said:
HFF Carol
David G Johnson said:
A ''Good weekend'' to you - keep well and a HFF from > Dj.
Boarischa Krautmo said:
HFF and have a good weekend!