
The Fog Cannon

Taken at Wick Harbour which seemed to be the busiest part of Wick.
The cannon in this shot (pun intended!!) was actually a fog signal gun and was given to the Pulteney Harbour Trust by John Pender MP in 1881 for use by fishermen and visiting crafts and was in use until it was replaced by a fog horn warning system.

In 2011 the decision was made to re-site the cannon at Wick Harbour, as it was felt it was mostly going unnoticed and featuring it on the harbourside at Wick would add historical interest to the area for visitors.

I have added a song called 'Cannonball' by Damien Rice

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Joe, Son of the Rock said:

A well composed shot, Carol, with great use of lead-in lines. I love the way the flower tub and the bench leads the eye to the cannon, and the way the cannon balls lead the eye to the bicycle. I hope you have a great new week. All the best, Joe
2 years ago

Makrofan said:

2 years ago ( translate )

Christa1004 said:

How interesting, I have never heard about a fog canon. And great the flower box in the foreground. HBM Carol.
2 years ago

Roger (Grisly) said:

Bang! They look to be Big Balls for a small cannon ;-)))
A very nice capture, very well anchored by the flower tub,
HBM and a good week
2 years ago

Jocelyne Villoing said:

Une belle composition et un bel endroit de détente !
Bonne semaine Carol.
2 years ago ( translate )

Walter 7.8.1956 said:

HBM und viele Grosse Carol!!
2 years ago ( translate )

Jaap van 't Veen said:

Lovely colourful composition Carol.
Thank you for the interestong note.
Happy BM and a peaceful week ahead.
2 years ago

J.Garcia said:

A fog canon!
Very interesting, Carol
Very nice place for a stop
HBM too
2 years ago

Nora Caracci said:

great mix of subjects !
Hopeful BM & New Week !
2 years ago

Annemarie said:

2 years ago ( translate )

Ulrich John said:

A beautiful view and a nice bench ! HBM, Carol ! Have a good week ahead !
2 years ago

TOZ said:

A great bench in a beautiful place Carol i'd love to sit there all day.
HBM have a good week
2 years ago

José Manuel Polo said:

El macizo de flores en primer término del enfoque está muy bonito. El cañón curioso para mí, desconocía que se utilizara para avisar a los navegantes de la cercanía a la costa en días de niebla. También el banco está elegante.
2 years ago ( translate )

David Slater (Spodde… said:

Very colourful and interesting shot Carol. HBM and happy new week.
2 years ago

Boarischa Krautmo said:

So this cannon is kind of an acoustic lighthouse, isnt it? ;-)))))
HBM and have a good week!
2 years ago