
Will you Play With Me?

Captured at Farr Bay and Bettyhill Beach in Sutherland. I was trying to take a low shot of the beach and Clachan Burn when I was photobombed by this beautiful old border collie! He brought his stick for me to throw for him. There was no sign of an owner anywhere, - I guess he was just a beach bum!
When we left the beach he ran ahead and waited for us to open the gate for him. When we got to the car park we saw a man and another dog and he ran up to them so I asked if it was his dog. The man replied that no, it wasn't and he thought he was ours! He went back to his beach with the newcomers without a backward glance and my new friend was gone! He was so cute I think he took a little bit of my heart with him!

As this is on Farr Bay I could not resist adding a song by Tyler Farr called

'I wish Dogs Could Live Forever'

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John Cass said:

Wonderful picture, I love the Dog Carol.
2 years ago

Ecobird replied to John Cass:

Thank you very much John. So did I. I would have liked to bring him home with me!!!
I am sure he is happier on his beach and making new friends!

Have a lovely evening
2 years ago

@ngélique ❤️ said:

belle photo et adorable toutou ***********belle soirée mon amie
2 years ago ( translate )

Ecobird replied to @ngélique ❤️:

Thank you very much Angelique. He made my day!!

Have a lovely evening. Hugs!
2 years ago ( translate )

Boarischa Krautmo said:

what a cutie!
2 years ago

Ecobird replied to Boarischa Krautmo:

Thank you very much Markus. It goes without saying we threw his stick for him, - not too far because he looked quite old and didn't run very well!!!
2 years ago

Roger (Grisly) said:

Beautiful beach and a superb capture, oh and a delightful dog!
Full screen is a must.
2 years ago

Ecobird replied to Roger (Grisly):

Thank you very much Roger. I was taking photos of the beach but stopped to throw his stick for him. He was so cute.
2 years ago

Jaap van 't Veen said:

Cute dog, well captured.
2 years ago ( translate )

Ecobird replied to Jaap van 't Veen:

Thank you very much Jaap. Not sure who did the capturing to be honest - he walked right into the shot!!

Have a lovely evening
2 years ago

Nora Caracci said:

absolutely adorable !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 years ago ( translate )

Ecobird replied to Nora Caracci:

Thank you very much Nora. He was so sweet. I am guessing he lives locally and probably makes new friends like this all the time!!
2 years ago

LotharW said:

Erstmal die Zunge durch das Gesicht :-)))
2 years ago ( translate )

Ecobird replied to LotharW:

That is about right Lothar!!!

Many thanks
2 years ago

José Manuel Polo said:

Es un Border collie muy hermoso. En los últimos años se ha puesto de moda esta raza aquí.
El mío, es muy amistoso y tiene varios amigos collie. Bueno, la foto me gusta mucho, Carol
2 years ago ( translate )